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FAQ To Quests

FAQ To Quests

I Saw A Thread That Gave Me The Idea To Make A Thread For Were To Find The NPC Given Quests And What They Give So Here It Is

The Naturalist
Were To Be Found:Britain, Jhelom, Lycaeum, Ocllo, Wind
What It Gives:Rare Aqua Seed, Rare Magenta Seed, Rare Pink Seed, Rare Fire Red Seed

Elwood McCarrin
Were To Be Found:Haven
What It Gives:600 - 700 Gold, Magic Items,
A Section of an Obsidian Statue

Grizelda the Hag
Were To Be Found:Ruins west of Britain
What It Gives:2000 - 2200 Gold, 30 of each Reagent, Magic Item, Random Level Treasure Map, A Cauldron, A Bottle of Magical Moonfire Brew, Grizelda's Extra Strength Hangover Cure (Only when you are drunk)

The Solen Matriarch
Were To Be Found:Solen Hive Center
What It Gives:600 - 700 Gold, 1-100 Powder of Translocation, Not Being Attacked By The Ants In The Hive

The Ambitious Solen Queen
Were To Be Found:Solen Hive SE
What It Gives:250 - 350 Gold.Bag of Sending, Powder of Translocation

The Doom quest (Geting in the gauntlet)
Since I cannot find it on stratics I will write it on my own.
Where to be found:In doom
What it gives:Golden skull (Can be used to get in gauntlet)

The Deathwatch Beetle Quest
Where To Be Found:In Zento
What It Gives:A Magic Item And 200-400 Gold

And Thats My Guild Of Were To Find Them And What They Give And If You Have Any Questions (Or Need To Find Out More About This Go To Stratics) Put It Here And Ill Try To Answer Them And Please Do Not Do Any Flaming On This Thread This Is Not For People To Insult This Is For The People Who Do The Quests To Find Out What The Quest Give And Where They Are. Thank You.
Re: FAQ To Quests

Andrey Qattil said:
stop poasting in caps, we have already told you more then once. please just stop; it is too anoying to read

So is bad spelling, but nobody seems to complain about that. I read this post prior to seeing your remark, and I can honestly say, I really wasn't getting the urge to pull my hair out.
Re: FAQ To Quests

Andrey Qattil said:
stop poasting in caps, we have already told you more then once. please just stop; it is too anoying to read

im sorry its a habbit and i already told you please do not insult this post this is not for people to insult but for people to read and get help with the quests


Re: FAQ To Quests

You forgot the doom quest. And probably the harrower summon thingy can also be called a quest, or not?
Re: FAQ To Quests

xaxas said:
You forgot the doom quest. And probably the harrower summon thingy can also be called a quest, or not?

Well the Harrower does not have to be considered a Quest.
Yet the Doom Quest is a good point :D thanks.

Doom quest being edited


Re: FAQ To Quests

Facko said:
Aren't there more quests for SE and stuff too?

I could be wrong. :)

there is the deathwatch beetle one in zento I think it gives u like a crappy wepon (Mine was hit poison area 4 :eek: lol) and like 200 gold so yea(Kill 10 deathwatch beetles) :eek:
Re: FAQ To Quests

Sergesies said:
there is the deathwatch beetle one in zento I think it gives u like a crappy wepon (Mine was hit poison area 4 :eek: lol) and like 200 gold so yea(Kill 10 deathwatch beetles) :eek:

Ohhh Yea Forgot About That One I Added That To The List


Re: FAQ To Quests

Andrey Qattil said:
stop poasting in caps, we have already told you more then once. please just stop; it is too anoying to read

FFS, read my sig, THIS is starting to piss me off. ITS NOT CAPS!:mad:


Re: FAQ To Quests

give (drag on top of) a seed to the solen matriarch to start the quest off. you only need to do it once to keep doing the quest until you attack solens of her color and break the friendship then you need to get another seed.
Re: FAQ To Quests

Argyle_SP said:
somewhere I read that you can get LTOT from quests...can anyone give me info on this?

Thats Inposible I'v Done Every Quest And I Know That LTOT's Arn't Even In The Game Nemore So Whoever Told You This Lied


Re: FAQ To Quests

I Didnt Even Notice The Caps Untile Someone Responded About It LoL

we should all get oldschool AOL Warez features... like Leet Talk, it looked like this

LmaO maN aLL thE CaPS ArE RAnDoM
Re: FAQ To Quests

Jonny-the-theif said:
Thats Inposible I'v Done Every Quest And I Know That LTOT's Arn't Even In The Game Nemore So Whoever Told You This Lied

ltots are still present, (the oens we gt while they spawned are stil in game). also, GM run events and quests have tots as prices usually; so that is one way of geting tots