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Faction Changes

Seems like people pointed out the obivous but ill still put in my two cents. Thank you once again krrios for listening to players about the point atrophy. But i must agree with the majority on this recall subject. This further encourages the more "gimp" side of pvp (bolas and tamers) and makes the system more and more rely on ganking. Yes ganking is already a problem as earlier pointed out, so lets reconsider this. You said this was a test to see how it goes, hopefully it'll be seen the problems that will arise.


Well I think this is a great idea....So fags like Chopa Style cant just precall EVERYTIME you see them... But I think that if they make it so that after 10 seconds of being attacked you can recall again, so if you are getting chased by beetles/mass ganks so that you even have a little chance. :) just my 2 cents.
Its is the most retarded thing ever the recall shit i mean i just got ganked by IC and guess what they used.... a fucking bola and a god damn beetle it was gay since i was being ganked and since they ma me i couldnt recall out and got wasted by a damn beetle.. looks like those damn IC and LuV fags will get my Points i mean there beetles will not them


Should something be done about recalling in factions?
Thanks for voting!

I'm sure if you would have told us what you had actually planned on doing, the outcome would have been different.

Here's an analogy.

Do you think i should do something about the air?
OH thanks for voting!
What I plan on doing is removing all of the air from the world, have fun living in the next 1 minute KTHX!

Way to go tweaking the game for your own interests.


I agree.. sometimes I'll scout ahead for a few buddies to see if there are any big groups roaming, and at least one of them usually gets a spell off before I get a chance to recall. Now, I'm done with it.

Thank you for the point atrophy thing, and the recall thing I just don't agree with.


Trag said:
I'm sure if you would have told us what you had actually planned on doing, the outcome would have been different.
thats why you might consider taking shit seriously
i dont even fight factions and i voted NO it was obviously a moronic idea.


why so you can run around with inscribe reflect and keep on running and talking shit then when your reflect is off recall?

top notch

im guessing your one of the beetle/bola whores who this is in favor of
fuck this change yo it just encourages skillless bitch pvp


oh well I used to have a beetle, dont run on Krrios for the bola shit, and I would have to get off my ethy and bola, remount and magically tell my ETHY beetle to kill

and pre-casting recall with inscribe reflect isnt skilled pvp asswipe


Trag said:
Should something be done about recalling in factions?
Thanks for voting!

I'm sure if you would have told us what you had actually planned on doing, the outcome would have been different.

Here's an analogy.

Do you think i should do something about the air?
OH thanks for voting!
What I plan on doing is removing all of the air from the world, have fun living in the next 1 minute KTHX!

Way to go tweaking the game for your own interests.

Own interests? News flash, no staff are in factions.


Ridiculous Changes

These changes could quite possibly mark the beginning of a great downfall. As it was with OSI, such drastic and unjust changes brought about the end of what was once a great thing. I now truly believe this shard has passed its prime. I foresee the same loss of playerbase as OSI experienced if such things are to continue. Of course, a loss of playerbase on a freeshard is not well endured as with OSI and typically results in a collapse. There was no reason to alter a good thing. The recall and point decay changes are simply absurd. Not allowing recall does not encourage fair PVP, but instead, promotes and increases an already growing problem--ganking. Point decay is simply useless also. Players who fairly earn an enormous number of points have them taken away and distributed to those who do nothing and have no chance of killing anyone. Ridiculous. In summary, it is crucial that this shard not follow the course of OSI. The shard is a wonderful thing, and there is no reason for additions of rules. In fact, it would be more beneficial to remove some aspects in an attempt to revert towards a more classic UO and preserve the quality of gameplay everyone enjoys.


I agree 100% with JDrake. Why ruin a good thing? Recalling is a part of factions just as getting pked is a part of hunting. If we start picking and choosing what we like and don't like, we're going to end up with a skewed version of UO and a UO I don't want to play in. Changes like this are the reason I quit OSI. I'm not saying I like fighting someone and them recalling, but I accept that it is a part of the game, like it or not. I realize that this a hybrid shard but I think this recall patch will create more harm than good. Unfortunately, I think changes like these are the prelude to more ganking and a less on the faction playerbase, which in my opinion has dwindled already. One change begets another and before you know it we'll be left with a UO that hardly resembles the one I've grown to love. Don't ruin a good thing.


jdrakeii87 said:
These changes could quite possibly mark the beginning of a great downfall. As it was with OSI, such drastic and unjust changes brought about the end of what was once a great thing. I now truly believe this shard has passed its prime. I foresee the same loss of playerbase as OSI experienced if such things are to continue. Of course, a loss of playerbase on a freeshard is not well endured as with OSI and typically results in a collapse. There was no reason to alter a good thing. The recall and point decay changes are simply absurd. Not allowing recall does not encourage fair PVP, but instead, promotes and increases an already growing problem--ganking. Point decay is simply useless also. Players who fairly earn an enormous number of points have them taken away and distributed to those who do nothing and have no chance of killing anyone. Ridiculous. In summary, it is crucial that this shard not follow the course of OSI. The shard is a wonderful thing, and there is no reason for additions of rules. In fact, it would be more beneficial to remove some aspects in an attempt to revert towards a more classic UO and preserve the quality of gameplay everyone enjoys.

These changes dont affect anyone except those that recall. Those that recall do not understand the meaning of pvp. PVP is PLAYER VS PLAYER combat, not run up call someone a name, then magically warp away while sitting at your keyboard giggling.

No one in this shard is affected by this change except for faction members, and factions are solely geared for team based pvp. If you dont want team based pvp, dont join factions....quite simple really.


Valentino said:
I agree 100% with JDrake. Why ruin a good thing? Recalling is a part of factions just as getting pked is a part of hunting. If we start picking and choosing what we like and don't like, we're going to end up with a skewed version of UO and a UO I don't want to play in. Changes like this are the reason I quit OSI. I'm not saying I like fighting someone and them recalling, but I accept that it is a part of the game, like it or not. I realize that this a hybrid shard but I think this recall patch will create more harm than good. Unfortunately, I think changes like these are the prelude to more ganking and a less on the faction playerbase, which in my opinion has dwindled already. One change begets another and before you know it we'll be left with a UO that hardly resembles the one I've grown to love. Don't ruin a good thing.

Dont compare pking and hunting to factions. Hunting means you are going to kill monsters, not players. PKing someone means that someone didnt want to fight, or was not looking for a fight.

When you sign up for factions, you must know you are signing up to fight other players. Recalling does not assist you with fighting other players, it only allows you to run from fights.

Also, think about one of your last sentences "less on the faction playerbase, which in my opinion has dwindled already". If its dwindled, which we know it is, we need to revive it by new methods. If this method proves to completely ruin the aspect of factions, then we will change it. But the only way to find out is to play it and test it out. Dont judge the change before you can experience it.

Also, heres a good comparison. We have CTF and Double Domination sometimes, which is non-stop fighting in small areas where one cannot run. Should we allow people to recall there?