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Faction Changes


Prodigy said:
Factions are so much more, with base defense, town setups, positions, thieves, traps, silver farming etc.

You have solid points except right here ^. Factions are geared for team fighting for exactly the reasons you just named in that sentence. Solo fighting is fine, but this is a system built for mass field fights, and highly organized teams, hence a leader is chosen. Do you think that the leader is chosen to tell everyone to go out and solo?

There are numerous systems in for solo pvpers. Duelling, pking, thieving, to name a few. We really want to promote field fighting at organized levels, and get away from the fact that people dont remember this is a game, and in games you die. If we have to hurt a few legitimate players who actually had the balls to actually fight before, then fine, but I also think those legitimate players will adapt, rather than bitch and moan about how bad this change sucks. Its only been in for 2 days people, give it time. If you ask around, I personally have been watching group fighting, and I notice that when after this change was put in, faction pvp was accelerated by at least 200%.


i sure it has been said a dozen times now, i havent read all the posts. but if its one on 5 what else r u gonna do stand and die. i dont see to many ppl in groups vs. groups running in the first place.


I've always thought that recall is a huge problem in UO.

If you have a recall/target book macro and are paying attention to all names then you are pretty much invunerable.

I had the pleasure of playing on a server with no recall for a couple of years and it truly makes the game more intersting.

You can't just go to a dungeon and get as much money as you want with almost no risk.

You have to rely on other people for protection because when the pk's do come they are going to be numerous. Suddenly the whole world is at the same time a more dangerous place and a more friendly place.

That other blue you encounter in the dungeon whom you don't immeaditly attack is glad to see you and you are glad to see them because now you might have some numbers to fight back with.

When PvP'ing in any system no recall also means that you will suffer the consequences for poor decisions. This is the way it should be.

Sorry if this post is somewhat disjointed. It's early.
Well this recall change is definatly gonna encourage growth in a lot of guilds being as your going to need friends now. Which will make the point board for faction guilds a lot more funner to compete on because you can see the calibre of the guild by the number of points and with the atrophy system this should be pretty fun...

I thought recall was perfect so you could engage in someone and if YOU attacked then you were risking your neck which made it pretty fair I think. But whatever I guess we shall see what the future brings for factions.

Im with Mike on this one. I mean factions are not ment for 1on1 battle... If you want a 1on1 go to the pits... Leave the group battles on the field, for points.

Hopefully we can get some new blood into TB and out of the huge factions like CoM and Minax. Trying to revive it with my boys, but we cant be on all the time. Im not going to lie.. Fighting groups like Ck6 and Luv are not easy at all... Its gonna be some hard times, not being able to recall out on mass ganks but at least you cant point guard anymore by just recalling out.


"I personally have been watching group fighting, and I notice that when after this change was put in, faction pvp was accelerated by at least 200%."

Interesting figure--200%. You have no way of measuring that and base it on absolutely nothing. That figure is pulled out of nowhere. Good job, smart one.
Mike said:
You have solid points except right here ^. Factions are geared for team fighting for exactly the reasons you just named in that sentence. Solo fighting is fine, but this is a system built for mass field fights, and highly organized teams, hence a leader is chosen. Do you think that the leader is chosen to tell everyone to go out and solo?

There are numerous systems in for solo pvpers. Duelling, pking, thieving, to name a few. We really want to promote field fighting at organized levels, and get away from the fact that people dont remember this is a game, and in games you die. If we have to hurt a few legitimate players who actually had the balls to actually fight before, then fine, but I also think those legitimate players will adapt, rather than bitch and moan about how bad this change sucks. Its only been in for 2 days people, give it time. If you ask around, I personally have been watching group fighting, and I notice that when after this change was put in, faction pvp was accelerated by at least 200%.

I don't get how silver farming or stealing =! group PvP? How often does the CL of a faction actually lead? That's great in theory but online egos get in the way, and it turns into just having a title. Poo Slap has done an amazing job of keeping most SL together during faction defenses, but on the fields they are useless. I have seen much less faction fighting personally (but I have been in Vegas for 3 days.) I'm afraid all of faction fighting is going to turn into Mdk vs Luv, and then a bunch of side stragglers.

Staff Can Now Play Factions????



Shittiest change Ever i dont care iff 2million ppl recall 1vs1 its just not right that ppl soloing. Are gonna DIE 24/7. now all they need to do is touch him oooo your stuck now you will be hunted down by 20posers to the end off the world. And i never ever recall 1vs1 or even 2vs1 but when numbers are getting higher than that its a sure death if you dont speed hack. (sooner or later you will run into something and get stunned bolad or whatever)

I hope you reconsider this change i will never agree to this change.



i think this is a good start, but it definately needs to change in my opinion.. I personally like to go solo as i dont like to gank... its a lot more fun to me to be able to pick my fights...im not saying i recall all the time.. most of the time when its 2v1 i will either try to survive long enough to try to take at least one of em out before dying or try to isolate one of em.. but when i am 1v1ing someone and 10 of their friends come, or if 10 of em come in teh first place and attack me i cant recall... I think something needs to be done so people that join factions dont recall from every fight unless they are ganking.. but i think the current system needs to be revised.. Maybe you cant recall if you were the one to first attack... kinda like the crim system.