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Does Sallos work w/ Vista?


Re: Does Sallos work w/ Vista?

This is the error I get..

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'zlib32': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
   at Sallos.Compressor32.uncompress(Byte[] dest, Int32& destLen, Byte[] source, Int32 sourceLen)
   at Sallos.Compressor32.Decompress(Byte[] dest, Int32& destLength, Byte[] source, Int32 sourceLength)
   at Sallos.ZLib.Unpack(Byte[] dest, Int32& destLength, Byte[] source, Int32 sourceLength)
   at Sallos.ArchivedFile.Download(Stream output)
   at Sallos.ArchivedFile.Download()
   at Sallos.Archive.Load(Stream stream)
   at Sallos.Archive..ctor(String title)
   at Sallos.Archive.AquireArchive(String archiveName)
   at Sallos.Core.Verify()
   at Sallos.Core.Startup(String[] args)
   at Sallos.Core.Main(String[] args)