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Does PVP exist on this server?

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Mana Dumper

I see. You probably could try employing those tactics yes, but I think you missed my point. My point is: You can't just hope your items will win for you.

How I am trolling you?

I always start with a necro mage. They are usually the most versatile pvpers.

65 / 105 Necromancy
100 / 115 Spirit Speak
115 Wrestling
115 Magery
115 Eval Int
115 Magic Resist
rest in med

Adjust skills as you see fit. Your priority should be getting 20 magery and eval after the above template is complete.

No, I didn't miss your point. Obviously your items can't win it for you, you have to use them properly. My point is the items greatly increase your chances of success in pvp.

You have something negative to say about any post I make..I consider that trolling. There are already 3 other guys doing that, do you really think you're going to make an impact?

Template advice is appreciated though. Unfortunately I don't have the money yet for these 115 power scrolls, nor do I have the resources yet to train skills such as Magery, Necro, and Magic Resist.


Bile and now yourself. Enough with the harassment, I made this thread to find out A. if there is pvp on this server B. What template would be best to create for a pvper C. If anyone would want to hunt with me and help me get started. The trolling began before I had the chance to ask question C though, so I highly doubt it will happen.
A) there is PvP just have to find people willing to PVP go to the gate we usully have guild members there dying for pvp.
B) I would say Necro mage or any mage of some sort, or do what most people do Archer. with auto heal with aids.
C) send me a pm with the temp your thinking of making and i'll gladly try to help you out on a starter suit to pvm and pvp.~~ don't expect me to hand you a full awsome suit it will be a starter suit that you will be capable of pvp and pvm.

Don't take things so personal it will get to you and show your weakness points.

Xeneize is full of it btw he has not log in quite sometimes since his busy trying to cheat on his wife or some shit.
Bout the Harries we pull them quit often lately and we have tried every hour of the day to get some pvp going and when we do get one or two brave soles , ONCE we got China that was the best pvp we got on this shard in a long time.

This is To Xeneize

Come back with more member's that actully PVP and not run or play in deep deep deep deep deep guard zone just so they can be 4 vs 1 and still FAIL Or even Scream EUO EUO "add some spanish or mixed of letters here" EUO EUO then vanish in thin air.


No clue, but as of talking about a job, I work almost everyday and guess what? I still know shit about this game u dumb shit. Also we can clearly see how big you are through your avatar lol.... actually no thunder thighs, it's called having more muscle than you. I guess that's what bootcamp will do for ya.


It is difficult to get into pvp when top players wear400 million gold worth of gears. Not only that, it's difficult not get mad when they start trash talking. Yeah, trash talking is allowed and it's part of the fun, but if the provocation is to lure the defeated back into pvp it's not likely to happen. No one wants to get res killed or repeatedly be defeated by the same player. The defeated are easily to accept defeat if there's no balance to the game. In another words, why should anyone go back if there's only a slim chance of winning?

UO: hybrid heavily promotes pvp. just go there instead.


oh yes, i am working my way in getting full arty pvp gear so i can be the douche like the rest of them, because it's fun and tedious.

Mana Dumper

No clue, but as of talking about a job, I work almost everyday and guess what? I still know shit about this game u dumb shit. Also we can clearly see how big you are through your avatar lol.... actually no thunder thighs, it's called having more muscle than you. I guess that's what bootcamp will do for ya.

Who gives a shit whether you know more about UO then me? I'll give you a hint, it's not me.

You said you're smaller then me yet the same weight/height. How the hell would you have more muscle then me? Btw, the picture in my avatar is a year old, so I'm SURE you're not bigger than me now.

As for boot camp, you're not the only one who's been through it tough guy. I'm a marine corps reservist. I've been through 12 weeks of hell what the fuck do you know about that?


First off nowhere did I say I was bigger than you moron, Second I didn't say I had more muscle than you either so there is once more your making your self look like a tool, and third your talking about being a fucking tough guy but your a Marine Corps "Reservist" that isnt shit.

Mana Dumper

actually no thunder thighs, it's called having more muscle than you. I guess that's what bootcamp will do for ya.

Who's the tool now?

Oh and what "boot camp" did you go through? Any pussy can make it through your army, navy, or air force recruit training. I can join any branch of the military that I want to and not have to go through training. What does that say to you? I'm a Marine and a student, you're just a disposable lackey you punk.

Mana Dumper

With a picture like that, I somehow doubt that statement.

If you're that interested in hopping on the band wagon and joining the flame war against me at least read my posts. I stated above "The picture in my avatar is a year old".

Also if you read my first post I said "Just wanting to know if ANYONE pvp's at all..I haven't seen a scrapling of pvp action at all..ever..". I don't see how that could offend anyone. Whoever considers that offensive must have some real low self esteem..or something. Fuck, I have no idea how to explain why someone would find that offensive.


Meh, you got ganked. Welcome to Demise and enjoy your stay.

No flames, just have fun your way. Who cares what anyone else thinks?


It is difficult to get into pvp when top players wear400 million gold worth of gears. Not only that, it's difficult not get mad when they start trash talking. Yeah, trash talking is allowed and it's part of the fun, but if the provocation is to lure the defeated back into pvp it's not likely to happen. No one wants to get res killed or repeatedly be defeated by the same player. The defeated are easily to accept defeat if there's no balance to the game. In another words, why should anyone go back if there's only a slim chance of winning?

UO: hybrid heavily promotes pvp. just go there instead.
Artie? 400 mil? I pvp daily on this shard with a leather hat and my suit is made all by hrsk just took me more then one week to aquire it took me 45 days to aquire
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