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Dark horsemen in our lands


Dark horsemen in our lands


The gods have had enough. Britannia is overwhelmed with murderous acts, theivery, and a general lack of respect. The good people of our lands cant leave the protection of town, with out constant harrassment of the lands evil, and people have even had their whole home taken by theives.

The old manuscripts talks of a prophecy of ghostly riders of dark beasts that breath fire and kill anything in their path. "The lands will burn under the fury, that man has brought upon himself. His haughty attitude and lack of respect for life, will cost him his very own". The four riders known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are riding these lands and hell's halls will be filled. They are named War for the destruction they bring, Famine for the lands resources that will burn under their beasts cloven feet, Pestilence for the disease that will grip man and monsters fleshly bodies and Death for the inevitable. They know no friends other that the destruction and black lifeless piles of bone and rotting flesh that they harbor. There isnt a place in these lands that you can hide from these "wraiths of destruction".

They are easy to spot they are mounted upon dark horses, that spit fire and can kill a man with deathy glare. They have an unearthly chilling white flesh that glows a pale white. Few have witnessed a Horseman and lived to tell the story. They feed off the evil in ones they come across. The only ones that have met a Horsemen and lived were either children or those pure of heart. They wear dark armour, not of this world and the only clothes they wear are pale with the looks as the liches themselves knitted its very fabic.

There lair hasnt been found, they seem to be building strength and lurking in the shadows waiting for their brothers to join their ranks. Few have been seen, but they are with-in our lands and the future looks dark and bloody.

Be true of heart brothers and sisters, it is our only salvation.