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DAMN mickey your so good

I can honestly say shini is one of the best people ive played with and ivr played this game off and on since osi. He can heal sync 2v2 alchy 5x on aa significantly higher level then most. I think lawfirm, if you played with him for a day you might rethink what you are saying :D

Pat McGroin

well, maybe i read wrong as always, but 20% of 40k would be 8k, which isnt much, that means he is normal imo lol, anyone with college and good grades/contacts could get that ammount of money without a problem.

Yea on top of a $80, 000 a year salary. You should take your ADD meds or learn to read.

Pat McGroin

lolol, sir, if you get $80,000 a year, you have possibility of making way more than $80,000, with what we call, investiments.

$80,000 a year salary is not much for 25 years guy, not at all, its not low, but wont make you rich, or as urself called "successful"

Maybe if icky was here to tell us about 60k donations into a game, i could agree he is successful, but when i remember your profile picture, i can tell you were nothing but a old ass lier, probally work at bk.

Okay let's base your opinion off my yearly salary alone. How many people do you know that make that kind of money? I already know the answer to this which is zero. If you think an $80,000 a year salary is not much for an average 25 year old, then you really are as retarded as you look. Have you ever done any kind of research in your life? I am going to give you a homework assignment. I want you to find out the average income for an American 25-30 years old (because I live in America) and tell me what kind of numbers you come up with. And I want you to tell me how much money you make per year. And it's "liar" "probably"


Salary depends on what field you are in. I have a few year friends between the ages of 23-27 that have banked over a mil already BUT they are in high end business in NYC. I will say that good money comes with a price. None of them have time to enjoy anything in there life. They work from 5am to 9pm sometimes later. If they get a time to get out and do shit they have at least 1 phone call in the middle of the day.

80k pre-tax isn't a bad salary for a 25 year old. Location does matter how much you make and how much you actually take home after taxes and all the other bs. I just don't see how you can work 9 hours+ a day but still have so much free time to spend arguing with people on the forums.
80k/year is pretty good for a 25 y/o. engineers will pull in 60k+ right out of college and that is considered to be the profession with the highest starting salary.

Pat McGroin

Salary depends on what field you are in. I have a few year friends between the ages of 23-27 that have banked over a mil already BUT they are in high end business in NYC. I will say that good money comes with a price. None of them have time to enjoy anything in there life. They work from 5am to 9pm sometimes later. If they get a time to get out and do shit they have at least 1 phone call in the middle of the day.

80k pre-tax isn't a bad salary for a 25 year old. Location does matter how much you make and how much you actually take home after taxes and all the other bs. I just don't see how you can work 9 hours+ a day but still have so much free time to spend arguing with people on the forums.

Well you're talking about exceptions. I never said I was the only guy to be successful at 25. But the exception to the rule does not change the rule. I guarantee if you look at the average income for someone 25-30 years old it is no where near that. Again, we arettalking about the average not the exceptions. Now that was 5 years ago when I was busting my ass and had not even started playing hybrid yet. Now my days consist of putting together sales reports and sitting on conference calls which gives me all kind of free time :)

Pat McGroin

kewl kewl kewl, ok, lets do a prime example of a friend who just graduated (he is 23? 24? tops) and got a nice job invite:

He will receive 5,000$
He will receive 24$ per day for food
He will receive free apartment to live (dont have to rent one, since he is moving to another city to work)
In 15 days he receive a free trip to come back to our town to visit his family and such
Car to drive with paid gasolin to go to work/back from work

And this is the second trainee level he is gonna start on, when he complete the 4 levels, he could be receiving 10,000 only in cash...

But lets talk a little bit about me, As a lot of people known my father own a advocacy office, me and my brother study law and we been working with my father since we are 18 (my brother is 23).

I am on the 2nd year of college, out 5, and I am also turning 21 next year. I receive pretty good for working there, so does my brother and unfortuanely my father, due to the number of advocates we got working for our causes.

On a side line, here in brazil, investiments into new apartments that are on project of being building is a good investiment, my father have been doing that for years now, and me and my brother start investing 25% each and my father puts 50%, so which means i make also a extra money off every 2-3 years (depend how long it takes to we sell the apartments).

They raise in value maybe 50%~65%, which means, if you pay 200.000,00 for a apartment, you gonna have liquid profit of 100.000,00 in every 2-3 years, minus 6~7% of the sale (since we dont deal selling, we just invest money into it).

I dont need to talk about numbers, but your salary as 25 years old is nothing special or huge, it is good, but again, nothing impressive.

Maybe try another lie, saying u sold your body and made 8k + 20k of hookering, idk...

Do you even realize how retarded you sound or is it news to you?

Pat McGroin

But lets talk a little bit about me, As a lot of people known my father own a advocacy office, me and my brother study law and we been working with my father since we are 18 (my brother is 23).

So can I ask you what amazing law school accepted you with out a previous college degree? Can I ask what score you got on your LSAT?


i love how mickey lies about what he does irl.. its funny how he talks shit that he works for amazon, when he use to use the story he works for google lol


2 respectable companies like google and amazon would never higher a douche bag like you.. And mickey i know where you were.. You work at a low end hole in the wall tanning salon. Which also explains why your orange in your skype pic.. I feel bad for you so tell you what, since you have so much time on your hands why dont you take a week off from this tough forum posting business and you come to New York ill get you decent tan for 20 bucks.. My Treat!!!!