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"Could not connect to origin....." message


"Could not connect to origin....." message

I heard there was a lag spike earlier (yesterday) and i haven't been able to connect for the past 12 hours.

Does anyone know how or why this happens and a quick fix?

Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

Try resetting your modem. When I loose connection and can't get back on, I'll do that and it jumps back on.


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

Still not working..... I checked the forum for answers and got nothing to work. Deleted and reinstalled, updated, reinstalled older version etc.....

Anyone else has any ideas?

I heard on the forms there was a huge lag spike after i had logged, wonder if my char is stuck or something.

I can connect to other shards no problem.

I was playing yesterday and logged off for a few hours and when i came back and tried to log on i get the "There is some problems connecting to origin. Please restart Ultima Online and try again"

I have reinstall UO 2x, tried UOG Razor etc. and i still cant log.


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

problem with the server I suppose. Same thing with me I can't connect


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

Scan said:
Still not working..... I checked the forum for answers and got nothing to work. Deleted and reinstalled, updated, reinstalled older version etc.....

Anyone else has any ideas?

I heard on the forms there was a huge lag spike after i had logged, wonder if my char is stuck or something.

I can connect to other shards no problem.

I was playing yesterday and logged off for a few hours and when i came back and tried to log on i get the "There is some problems connecting to origin. Please restart Ultima Online and try again"

I have reinstall UO 2x, tried UOG Razor etc. and i still cant log.

Not sure if this is where the problem is, but when I reformatted I had to manually create a new setting in UOGateway because it had the wrong server address. Can you ping login.uogamers.com at all?


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

HELP :( :( Starting to go threw withdrawls.......

C:\Documents and Settings>ping login.uogamers.com

Pinging login.uogamers.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=114
Reply from bytes=32 time=36ms TTL=114
Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=114
Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=114

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 35ms, Maximum = 45ms, Average = 38ms


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

Yep, that and razor. Tried to reinstall and everything. For some reason i cant connect to the login server..... I'm all out of ideas. :( :(
Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

How many active accounts do you login to daily? Prior to today, maybe they banned ur IP for too many accounts. Maybe a certain GM did, maybe a certain staff member who likes to ban people and reset their forum accounts. MAYBE A GM SO OUT OF CONROL HE WILL BLOCK U FOREVERRRRSDS!@11.


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

Humm only have 4 accounts, 2 for me, and one for my bro-in-law and one for my son, we got 5 computer/laptops in this house lol, and noone can get on. I wouldn't call that account farming or anything. No clue why i would get banned ( if thats the reason why i cant log).

I have alot of free time on my hands now that i was medically discharged from the Army due to wounds i suffered in Iraq, so i kinda have alot of time to play UO again. My accounts are only a month old And I have 8, 7x gems on the 2 accounts i play on, so i spent some time on them, just aggravating that i cant get back on.

The only thing i can think of is that that lag spike that happened yesterday while i was offline messed something up.?.?


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

Well i can still log on with Krrio's client.......... Still not with razor or uog


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

That's weird. When you load Razor by itself do you have it set to patch encryption and do you have it set for login.uogamers.com port 2593? You're all patched up with OSI too? What client version do you have? This is all obvious stuff, but I can't think of what else it could be.


Re: "Could not connect to origin....." message

Elf said:
That's weird. When you load Razor by itself do you have it set to patch encryption and do you have it set for login.uogamers.com port 2593? You're all patched up with OSI too? What client version do you have? This is all obvious stuff, but I can't think of what else it could be.

Yep all pached up, razor is the only way i use to log in so the info is the same. Client version is 4.0.11c i went ahead and installed that BS samurai crap.

Still need help.....