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Connection Issues Resolved

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You guys know what is even more funny....sometime last month when I was trying out different shards to see what suited me (back to UO after 5 years) I was speaking with one of Defiance's GM ...guess wot he said when I asked him what shard he thinks is the best? Very funny the was he suggested playing here instead as he didnt want to get in trouble. He said if he wasnt a GM in Defiance he wouldnt be playing there. Guess he had issues with Management being idiots and the shard being crap!!

Just shows you even their staff dont like their shard!


hmm, i guess a start for countermeasures would be to tell the players of defiance shard, how their shard/admins suck, tell them of the lame attack, and if they dont want to hear, spam their forums and shard, if its really sure this guy did it.
just hope all this with f*ing bastards out there trying to block our shard is over soon.. i got plants to water... ...


Sloth said:
honistly malicius hackers are so lame, what joy do they get from taking down a game server. I think they should get a real life and focus on getting laid and pounding beer instead of spending hours on the computer just to inconvience people.

I don't agree that getting laid and pounding beers is the only thing life is about but, yes, he is a very lame hacker. I could've done better with my old laptop, which has Win3.1! ;)

Anyway, good job, boys. Always doing your job. You should, however, do something with computer that will actually get you paid. You could do well for yourselves.

Thank you for providing me with a social life,


I cant log in and im a supernerd who needs UO: G to express his emotions i feel a terrorist attack coming on! BLAH MAKE IT FIXED, o and you should perma ban ODB cause hes a super flamer



Hey sup FcuK this is Arma :) , Anywho.. yeah this is some bullshit I cant login for over 5 mins and I had a thief to hit 48 hours.. so I cant just sit there and do nothing which is crap. Also, you guys think you can fix my thief now since ALOT of my hours are fucked over? C'mon just throw me in the guild already! Thanks.

shawn smith

people get pissed over a game.. come on now guys im 13 and i have a life it might be down its not the end of the world go get drunk or laid like that 1 dude was saying.. all im trying to say is get a life go out hang wit friends get arrested or sum shit.

jesus christ.

- a ninja
I read some fancy web document which cited a case of a guy being DDOS attacked using ombie bots or something. The point is, apparently you need $5000 worth of damage/loss of customership caused before you can even report an attack to the FBI. Cyber crime is in a sorry state of affairs :(


I just want you all to know, that the owner of Defiance has sent a threat of litigation to [email protected] over this thread. I am closing this thread in compliance with our no talking about other shards rule :)

I do however want you to know that I did reply to this matter:


Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I appreciate it.

I have read over the post and there are no direct threats to this individual's life. While I do not condone some of the things that were said about this individual, I do feel that people have the right to express themselves in any manner they deem necessary without infringing upon other people's rights.

At this time I do not feel that anyone has violated Mr. Sugiero's rights, so I will not be removing the thread on the forum. I have, however locked the thread to prohibit any further escalation of this matter. Mr. Sugiero is free to not visit the site if he feels the content of the site is a problem for him. He is by no means contractually or morally obligated to visit this website in question.

I also contend that this abuse report is a form of harassment and is not the first time that we have been harassed by said individual. In compliance with the terms of EV1 I have taken action that I feel necessary in this matter.

If for whatever reason, EV1 feels that these actions where not strong enough feel free to let me know and we can come to some kind of compromise. I however am strongly against censorship and will not just remove the thread.

Thank you for your handling of this matter, and please by all means feel free to contact me if further action is felt to be necessary.

Ryan McAdams
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