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Collecting Bods with LRC Suit and takeing home.


I have been working on learning UO Steam so I made this script. I have not found any problems in it as yet, however feel free to holler at me if you find one.

It uses a secure on your steps, inside it is your bag with your LRC Suit, Runebook, and Bod Book.
It will put on your LRC suit, recall around gathering bods and putting them in your bod book, go home take off your LRC suit and store it all in a secure on your steps.

The setup is in the script description.

// Dedi's Bod collector //
// //
// Items Required //
// 1 secure on house steps //
// 1 Bag containing your Bod Book, //
// Runebook, and LRC Suit //
// Be sure to set your a dress //
// Profile in the agents tab named LRC //
// set the undress bag as your bag in //
// your secure with your Bod Book and //
// runebook. If you get problems //
// between dress and undress increase //
// the timers of lines 63 & 191 by 2000 //
// //
// Runebook Setup //
// Slot 1 Tailor //
// Slot 2 Smith //
// Slot 3 Home *1 tile off steps* //
// //
// Press play and follow the in game //
// instructions, enjoy and have fun. //
// //
if not findobject 'Steps Secure'
sysmsg 'This is the bag that should be secured down on your front steps.'
pause 20
promptalias 'Steps Secure'
useobject 'Steps Secure'
pause 2000
// Start with a delay for login lag, slow backpack opening etc...
pause 2000
// Open pack on porch
useobject 'Steps Secure'
pause 2000
if not findobject 'BOD Bag'
sysmsg 'This Bag should be inside the secure on your front porch with LRC suit Bod Book and Runebook.'
promptalias 'BOD Bag'
useobject 'BOD Bag'
pause 2000
//Drag pack with items in backpack
moveitem 'BOD Bag' 'backpack'
pause 1000
//Dress LRC, change the 10000 pause for 1-2 seconds more than the total items needed when equiping your LRC Suit. for example I have 8 items in my LRC so I use 10000
useobject 'BOD Bag'
pause 1000
if not findobject 'BOD Book'
sysmsg 'Target your Bod Book inside the bag.'
promptalias 'Bod Book'
pause 2000
pause 20
if not findobject 'BOD Runebook'
sysmsg 'Target your Runebook, slot 1 Tailor, slot 2 Smith, and slot 3 Home.'
promptalias 'BOD Runebook'
pause 2000
dress 'LRC'
pause 10000
// Recall Tailor
if 'mana' < 11
useskill 'meditation'
pause 11000
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 5
pause 3000
for 5
if @injournal 'The spell fizzles.'
msg 'Dang Nabbit!'
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 5
pause 2500
if @injournal 'That location is blocked.'
msg 'Bah, always a NPC in the way!'
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 5
pause 2500
// Get Tailor Bod
if not findobject 'Tailor'
sysmsg 'Target the Tailor you wish to use'
promptalias 'Tailor'
pause 2000
waitforcontext 'Tailor' 1 5000
waitforgump 0x9bade6ea 5000
replygump 0x9bade6ea 1
pause 600
// Recall to Smith
if 'mana' < 11
useskill 'meditation'
pause 11000
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 11
pause 3000
for 5
if @injournal 'The spell fizzles.'
msg 'Dang Nabbit!'
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 11
pause 3000
if @injournal 'That location is blocked.'
msg 'Bah, always a NPC in the way!'
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 5
pause 2500
// Get Smith Bod
if not findobject 'Smith'
sysmsg 'Target the Smith you wish to use'
promptalias 'Smith'
pause 2000
waitforcontext 'Smith' 1 5000
waitforgump 0x9bade6ea 5000
replygump 0x9bade6ea 1
pause 600
// move bod
useobject 'BOD Bag'
pause 1000
for 2
movetype 0x2258 "backpack" 'Bod Book' "any" 0 0
pause 20
waitforgump 0x54f555df 5000
pause 1000
replygump 0x54f555df 0
pause 1000
// Recall Home
if 'mana' < 11
useskill 'meditation'
pause 11000
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 17
pause 3000
for 5
if @injournal 'The spell fizzles.'
msg 'Dang Nabbit!'
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 17
pause 3000
if @injournal 'That location is blocked.'
msg 'Bah, always a NPC in the way!'
useobject 'BOD Runebook'
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 5
pause 2500
// Move into House, be default my house rune is one off the stairs.
undress 'LRC'
walk "North"
pause 1000
walk "North"
pause 1000
// Undress LRC, same pause as your dress
pause 6000
// Put Undress Bag away in the bag on porch
moveitem 'BOD Bag' 'Steps Secure' 65535 65535 0
pause 600
sysmsg "Thank you for using Dedi's Bod collector feel free to log out now."