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Collapsing I Love You House??

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Seer Mia

Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

Id! said:
As for the mass killing last night, I looked up the death caps, and found about 20. A Rune Beetle attacked and poisoned us all to death. I found it kinda funny, even though I lost some nice armor, but learned a lesson that could have been much worse. PUT YOUR SH*T IN THE BANK if your going to "hang out" because you WILL get killed.

I think I'll release my Hiyru tonight, anyone want to join me? EFG.

Considering you'd get jailed if you're reported/caught, I wouldn't advise it.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

I wouldn't do anything so cruel, unless it's in Felucia :)

However, it did give people warning to protect what they normally carry on them. Some other people really do have no ethics on this shard, believe it or not! Since it went IDOC, there have been two mass killings that I am aware of.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

Seer Mia, I have a question to that reguard. This happened in Trammel and I want to know if it is legal.

While waiting on a house to go IDOC, another player Summoned a Creature, then made his Hiyru fight it right next to me. After the Hiyru killed it, the angry beast immediately went after me. I took off running, but had I been AFK, would have been dead in seconds. Is what he did a legal tactic?


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

Id! said:
I wouldn't do anything so cruel, unless it's in Felucia :)

However, it did give people warning to protect what they normally carry on them. Some other people really do have no ethics on this shard, believe it or not! Since it went IDOC, there have been two mass killings that I am aware of.

I saw at least one of them... a guy from [D|D] released his hiryu and after killing the players, then he re-tamed it again....


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

Doesn't everyone on this server already own multiples of everything sitting on this house?? I do. I haven't played here in several months. I came to the realization that there are only so many things one person needs in this game. How much gold does someone need that owns everything there is to own? What is there to do in this game? Absolutely nothing new. The Admins need to come up with something new here. PVP in UO is lame. Powerscrolls are so common that there is no need to champ. Factions suck. All blacksmith BODS only give worthless crap that nobody needs. Barbed kits are worthless cause really... how many perfect suits does someone need?

So everyone has resorted to camping IDOCs. What for? More of the same worn out items or a few million in gold? What are you going to buy with the gold? More items you already own? Your 15th house? This is one of the last things people do before they realize it's really not worth camping houses for hours... for the few ltots they walk away with. I mean come on, unless you're good, like I am... you aren't going to get anything. How are you going to compete vs. my 10-15 chars macroing? So for your 5 hours of camping, you get an empty box or a couple ltots.

I think you should all just move on to another game, like almost everyone else has done. At least until the admins provide us with something new and exciting to do.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

*Cough* "my 10-15 chars macroing" *cough*, I know you mean 3 charas macroing.
My guess would be that people do it for fun, even though they might not need the money/arts. After all, it's a game.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

death_kult said:
I mean come on, unless you're good, like I am... you aren't going to get anything. How are you going to compete vs. my 10-15 chars macroing? So for your 5 hours of camping, you get an empty box or a couple ltots.
I think you should all just move on to another game, like almost everyone else has done. At least until the admins provide us with something new and exciting to do.

Well... if you have 10-15 chars macroing waiting for an idoc I think that the admins will give you something more exciting to do, like looking at the ban message after realizing that 10-15 chars at the same time mean 10-15 accounts that is definitively forbidden in this shard.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??


death_kult you better re-read your posts before clicking on submit, this time your mind probably confused you. Good Luck after the ban.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

death_kult said:
What are you going to buy with the gold? More items you already own? Your 15th house? How are you going to compete vs. my 10-15 chars macroing? So for your 5 hours of camping, you get an empty box or a couple ltots.

I think you should all just move on to another game, like almost everyone else has done. At least until the admins provide us with something new and exciting to do.

I have a very interesting rpv where your son first griefs my vendor house then brags about you and him having over 20 accts and 20 houses. He even shows them to me. Most of them have your guild abbreviation in them. And he even brags about doing trade scams. I guess I will re-email it to the staff, since I guess they didnt get to view it the first time.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

slowjeep said:
And he even brags about doing trade scams.

Dammit, maybe he is the one using a char named "One Time" who scammed me 2 million not that long ago ....... :(


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

death_kult said:
...compete vs. my 10-15 chars macroing? So for your 5 hours of camping, you get an empty box or a couple ltots.

DK, can I see where all your houses are so I'll know where to squat in three months?

More of everything = uh, more than you! Haha
Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

Hmm... People are STILL talking about this like mad? I've been gone for over a week, and it appears that people are still hoping to get "mad lootz" out of that house.

Face it; those vendors will effectively NEVER run out of gold, and by that time, any co-owners of the house will have carefuly removed all items from that place, and put them in a more secure location. People aren't really going to be camping it 24/7, at least not to the point where one won't be able to remove items from it withoput having them snatched away.

Simply put, I've never bothered to sit there; I've looked once or twice to see all the funny noobs sitting around, thinking that they're going to be rich not too soon; it's like how 80% of the people who bought a PS3 a week ago, and hoped to sell them for $10,000US+ on eBay...

Most of them never figured out that such eBay crazes last for only 24-48 hours, and past that, prices returned to normal, with most only going for a mild increase in price, leaving around 300,000 out of 400,000 people who camped for a PS3 sitting with a $600US console they didn't even want. People just need to learn that you need to WORK to make money; that's how 99% of all people that got it did so.

Oh, and as for the subject of releasing pets to attack other players, ANYTHING like that that is used to circumvent the rules of Trammel is strictly forbidden, and will land your character in jail. It's okay to do this in Felucca, though, as you can, of course, simply attack another player on the spot. So the moral of the story is: move to Felucca, it's a lot more fun. And this is coming from the pretender to Trammel's throne. :p

Oh, and it is still funny when people manage to die to released pets; typically, they're AFK, though, which is why it's funny. Wrong, but funny. Most experienced players could easily dispatch any pets sent their way. My mage character, even without an RBC, has enough mana that I can simply chuck EVs at a white wyrm until it keels over; with a Hiryu, it's even easier.


Re: Collapsing I Love You House??

There is a reason why I ressed this thread...

It's been a year. Have the vendor's died off yet?
:D :D :D
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