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Client Update help

Client Update help

Hey guys.

I used to play UO a looooong time ago, and was like "hmmm maybe i'll start up again." soooo i downloaded ML.

I installed ML with no problems at all. However, whenever I go and try to update the client (UO AutoPatch), it won't connect to the update server or whatnot.

I AM at college on a firewalled network and I am also running my own firewall. I added all of UO programs to MY firewall. I'm wondering why I can't update still. I know you're all thinking "Oh..college firewall. That's why." But, the thing is, I can update all of my other games perfectly fine through other means (update Call of Duty through Steam, etc). I'm not sure why UO is giving me a problem.

If ANYONE could help, that would be super awesome. Is there a way I could manually download the patch?

Thanks guys!

__ EDIT __

Here's the log

Error reading okay message from socket
Wrong protocol version
Could not connect to a patch server
Make sure you have an active connection to the Internet via an ISP or a direct connection.
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Check http://www.uo.com/ for help on resolving patching issues.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.
Re: Client Update help

i hate to say this but just turn the firewall off temporarily. usually if your at a college they have their own firewalls that are pretty good.

by any chance did you maybe install a tree hack already. if so that might be your problem all files have to be the orignal to update.
Re: Client Update help

aight ya i tried that but to no avail.

basically, whenever it doesnt work, it just comes up with a 'Cannot Display Page' message like you would normally get when youre not connected to the internet or a failed page load.

and i have not added any files to my directory since the install


Re: Client Update help

When I used the Mondain's Legacy client, after a fresh install, I would run UOpatch.exe in the main folder, and it would patch part-way and stop. I would then run razor.exe and it would give an exception and then start patching the rest of the way for as far as you want.

If you start patching, and cancel a patch mid-way, which is commonly done when you want to prevent patching farther: it will leave a partial download in the patch folder. If you inadvertently start to patch again without deleting this partial file, the partial download will screw things up and mess up the client so that you can't patch anymore. Then you just need to do a full reinstall. Basically, after you patch the client, always check the patch folder and delete anything manually in there so you don't forget.

I think you should try: 1) Uninstalling the current client 2) Deleting all leftover files, while maintaining a backup of your UO Desktop folder if you already have characters created 3) Tessa's Cove - Download the client version under EA large downloads. 4) Right after install run UOpatch.exe located in the main installation folder, it should work fine.

You can patch all the way, or stop at Even if it won't patch, you can try playing with the downloaded client regardless. Maybe the patching service went down when you were trying before, and your client got messed up. Not sure.
Re: Client Update help

The client loads fine (patched to 4.0.11c (standard)). UOPatch wont work. Razor loads the client, but doesn't help in the patching process.

Currently, I'm downloading AoS. I'm uninstalling ML and I'll reinstall after that and see what happens.