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Bf3 drops Tuesday morning at 12 am in the US. So pumped!

Cant wait to rape all the little COD noobs who will be on it trying their lame cod tactics. My squad tops every match in BFBC2, and in BF3 we will make all the little newbs cry and rage quit with our awesomeness.

So far ive projected a full rush game being filled with my friends, imagine 12 people running to one node all at once while the other team wonders where we are only to be completely over run and out shot in seconds.

its going to be so epic, it will also be great to see all the BF veterans sky rocket through the ranks really fast while all the little COD children cry in the corner of the map because they cant gauge bullet drop.


Never been one to sky rocket through the ranks, I lost interest in leveling up to 50 the moment i got all the weapons in BF2

Pre-ordered my copy at a local gamestore in town instead of gamestop though, might not be able to get my copy until noon my time. or later if the shipping company is late on delivery.. meh, got a decent discount though, so i'm happy about that :D

Still I'll only hardcore up to the point where i get all the weapons/items in the game, after that, i'll be rather casual, but have a good BF2 Clan to roll with along the way.


Assault and Recon. I just haven't played enough to learn the levels/adjust from CoD style.


dont want to steal the thread but if the question was addressed to me, I think I will try to master the engineer kit first and second the assault(well, you can call it medic in BF3)... for some reason, I suck BIG time on the sniping kit in this one... well I guess it will get better....

Im actually starting to master the heli driving... doing better than I was... I read they were doing maintenance on the servers today... hope they fix the annoying bugs (heli controls was one... but either im getting better or it was fixed already)

The Instigator

thought I relied again, sorry... the question was just in general.

I'm doing support/engineer right now. The game is so badass, I'm getting a new video card next week so I can run it a little smoother.

If anyone plays on pc HIT ME UP!


I tried out Engineer and started doing so much better immediately. Was 1st place within a game or two.
I just watched trailers for this, along with gameplay.


Also, MW3, Meh.

And Skyrim. Meh.

Holiday Season 2011, Graphics, Graphics Graphics. Meh.

Come at me.


This game has been bringing out the worst in me.

I see everyone as a cheater and i do lash out in every match, the game just feels extremey screwed up in comparrison to BF2.

Opponents killing me in one shot (or seems like it, i drop dead the very moment i see/hear the first shot) and even when im unloading a full clip into an opponent, they just wont die.. (even at point blank with an automatic assault ridle)

Either the weapons are extremely unbalanced or this is some connection issue (even though i only join games with 5 bars, rarely 4)

Not sure what to do, but damn.


Come at me.

Not worth it, I'm too busy killin' ;)

(ok, I will elaborate... if you don't try it, expecially the multiplayer part of those games, you can't really say anything, trailers are not the actual fun you have when you play... if I would to see a trailer of UO, I would probably quit !)

and as of cheating, I'm happy I learned how to play PS3 because back in my BF2 days on PC... it smelled funny often... ;)

now, there is not much cheating, only good people.

As for MW3... I have not played it but from my experience in single player but from mine with MW2 VS. BFBC2... I have to say that MW > BF.... now I tried a bit of multiplayer in both black ops and MW2... and there is no strategy : run, shoot, run shoot... no vehicles, no sniping (well you could but not really worth it) so I didn't get into it... I have to admit I was not too amazed with BF3 single player (yet)... and I do believe that MW3 single must be killer ! multiplayer, well can't say much, havent played, but for me strategy, hiding and vehicles and realism is what I look for in those games.
I rescind my skyrim being meh statement.

If any of you have any amount of balls, you'll play it on master and be a dragon slayer. I've killed 2/7 dragons I've fought, 5 of them fucked me in the mean streets (including one time where it was 2 of them at once)


I rescind my skyrim being meh statement.

If any of you have any amount of balls, you'll play it on master and be a dragon slayer. I've killed 2/7 dragons I've fought, 5 of them fucked me in the mean streets (including one time where it was 2 of them at once)

Flip flopper.