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Batman vs Spider-Man

Who would win? Batman? or Spider-Man?

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Batman would totally kick spidey's ass. I mean, batman beat superman twice, so he could totally beat spidey. This is really unlikely to happen howerver since DC comics dont really do crossovers with marvel anymore.

Now a rematch with wolverine versus Hulk would be awesome. They've fought before, but it was a draw. Hulk got burned down to his skeleton, and wolverine pretty much got ripped apart.


This is a rather hard one to judge, it is all dependent on wether or not Batman has the suprise advantage, or spidey.

I think that this solution would fix it though:

Batman + BFG = spider corpse

but if spidey somehow got out of sight he would signifigantly turn the tide in his direction. Same goes for batman even if he didnt have a gun or any other spiffy utilities. The only was to truly solve this is to create a spiderman and a batman, then and only then will we know who would win.

But my bet would be spidey becuase he would litterally rip the arms off of batman if batman did not evade spidey's attack.


Roman said:
not possible...Spidey sense duh!


I forgot about that!

So the only way batman could possibly win this fight is if he just came up running or in some sort of vehicle and had a rather massive gun, lets say an 88 and he just laid waste the the area where spidey is.

My money if definately on spidey.


Batman his that whole martial arts sense. He can fight blind folded and still dodge everything, think of how Dare Devil moves, and that's pretty much Batman without the radar. That's his own little "Spidy-sense" Not to mention Batman has faced much stronger opponents than Spider-Man. Superman, That dude who pumped the venom into his veins and got really really buff, Clay-face, and more, and he still kept his arms.

I don't know, I still think the Kill Bill Martial Arts knowledge Batman has is way more than enough to take care of Spider-man. Christ, Doc Oct beat him and he's just a pudy scientist.


Batman better have some serious tech or he cant even hurt Spiderman. Barehanded martial arts from a normal human ain't gunna cut it. Spiderman is atleast 40 times stronger than Batman. He can military press 10 tons, Batman could press at most 500 lbs. On top of that Spidey moves so fast that Batman will seem to be in slow motion. Remember the fight in the first movie with Flash Thompson? Spidey watching his hand come by him in slow motion? I have no doubt that properly prepared Batman could compensate with technology, but without it he's toast. As for his other super strong oponents: Superman got beat by kryptonite or with help from other superhumans. All the other super strong opponents are weaker than Spiderman and way slower. Way way slower. Bottom line is there is no way that Batman wins with only his fighting abilities.

Btw: Doc Ock is a pudgey scientist with 4 monsterously strong and fast sentient metal tentacles conected to his body.


I know Batman cheated against Superman in their fight, he's too powerful, not even the Amazing Spider-Man could touch Clark Kent. And yes, I remember when Peter Parker fought that Flash guy, but also, Cowboy Bebop, episode one, the bloody-eye guy, as Spike adequetly put, you can't just use your eyes, you gotta feel the environment around you, as Batman does, who is also able to dodge bullets, from what I've seen atleast. Granted, Spider-Man is incredibly strong, and given the opportunity, he could probably rip Batman's arms off, but we know that wouldn't happen, Batman would have his utility belt, just like Spider-Man as his webshoot, or gland like in the movies. Knowing Batman, he'd toss knockout gas bomb (exp pot) and take him out right there. I think it'd be a really good fight, they are both fast from what I've seen. Someone should make a movie out of it, and get sued, but still have a movie :p

I know you said without his tech, Batman would lose instantly, well so would Parker without his powers, the tech is Batman's powers. I'm a Batman fan forever, just because he's a normal human, and he kicks the most ass with no fear. Then again, I'd love to see Smallville's Clark face off against Spidey, that'd be interesting. I like how they untilized his speed to basically make him invincible, it's how he should be. That's what I never liked about Justice League, he has the speed, but never uses it, he's always getting hit and stuff. See on Smallville, he's like how Peter was against Flash, everything is always in slow-motion and Clark is faster than the proverbial bullet, not to mention Clark has super-hearing so if his eyes are gone, he still has his ears.

Bottom Line: Clark is way too powerful compared to any other hero. H4x.


Standard utility belt stuff wouldn't help against spider sense. I could see the fight going down something like this: Batman squares off against Spiderman in a dark alley. Due to spidey's knack for pulling punches AND Batman's martial arts prowess and experience Batman manages to stay conscence for the first couple exchanges. Batman imediately realizes he is way out classed and lets lose with an series of hi-tech dirty tricks. Spiderman's spider sense saves him from them. When this happens Batman realizes that something is really wrong and he needs time to analyze. He then uses whatever hes got left in his belt to keep Spidey busy while he escapes (Batman always knows his terain and is prepared in any situation). After he gets away he figures out what what happened. He hypothesizes that his opponent had some type of battle sense or precognition. With this and the extrodinary superhuman strength and speed of Spidey, Batman uses the resources available to him in the cave to compensate and ultimately defeat Spiderman in their next encounter. Of course if he messed up at all in the first encounter he losses, but Batman never messes up...


I know this thread isn't about Superman or his powers, but what do you think about his strength in comparison to Spider-Mans? Maybe they're equal in strength, I don't know the exact statistics, but I've seen Spider-Man lift and throw some crazy stuff. Assuming Kryponite wasn't involved, you think Clark would tear through Spider-Man?

Sorry, I seen so much Smallville that I call him Clark more than Superman. Damn good show, damn good.


Dude Superman would destroy Spiderman. He's gotto be 50x as fast or strong as Spiderman. The only thing Spidey's sense would do is warn him that he was about to get a mudhole stomped in his chest.


He is quite powerful, isn't he :p
Just thought of something.. Terry Mguiness could beat Spider-Man just because he has the suit that gives him super strength and speed. But that's really not fair because that's cheatzoring. Terry is also very much like Bruce in the way he fights, granted, not as talented, but he's new, I never saw how sucky Batman was when he started out, other then that movie, Mask of the Phantasm, where he still beat ass initially. Also, Bruce has that suit available to him, but by the time he made it, he was too old to bare the strain on his body anymore.

Who could beat Clark? No Kryptonite..