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looking for the best way to train this without stop.. 0- 100. please if anyone could help would be appreciated.. ive been looking cant find a good one.. only one ive found is to fill kegs


EasyUO, CEO's script it will fill kegs, but will get u there. You should still be able to choose to craft poisons and save them in a keg and you can use that to train Nox in the future


Hum, didnt actualy made on for alchemy. But you could make one quite easily.

if skill 'Alchemy' < 55
 //Make sure container is open. From your reg  container, to you.
organizer 'Restock GCure' //or appropriate based on skill.
waitforjournal 'stop' 3000 'system'
if usetype (object type)

waitforgump 0x38920abd 1500

replygump 0x38920abd ?? (category)

waitforgump 0x38920abd 1500

replygump 0x38920abd ?? (item in list)

waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000


//Next gap
elseif skill 'Alchemy' < 75

if usetype

What you would want to add at the begining of macro if something like this.
//Organiser with all potion  types. 
//Set  from you, to drop off.(Container must be visible.)
organizer 'Drop Potion' 
waitforjournal 'stop' 3000 'system'
It's a restock that will also try to drop extra potion you might have from dc.

1. To get the object type. You can type -info and select it.

2. The gump can be extracted by recording yourself. (record, click category, click item)
Just copy paste them to replace the appropriate section.

3. Finding the skill gap is easy for demise imo. Each time you see a potion that you can barely make. You switch to tht one. Failing something you an barely make is good on demise. (Personaly, I try to stick into the 'greater pot' lane. To make sure what I make is at least useful.)

4. 'Why not just get one that train me and be done with it ?'
a) Well, cause using all I gave you. Will get you running in 10 min.
b) You can extract part of macro to produce specific bottles. All your organiser are already done
c) Because most of the non steam macro that exist are based on osi gain and on demise. It pay to craft something you can barely do. Will get to GM faster.

Unless you tell me that several characters plan to make bottles on the same uosteam profile. Organiser work very good.

p.s. : depending on how good you are with uosteam. You could replace organiser with the following:

Another way to 'Drop'
if not @findobject 'Xpot Drop'
  headmsg 'Select Scroll Secure'
  promptalias 'Xpot Drop'
//Droping items
  if @findtype ?x???? 0x0 'backpack'
    moveitem 'found' 'Xpot drop'
    pause 300