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A rude GM on Demise?


A rude GM on Demise?

I would like to share a story about my interactions with a GM named Ferris on the UO Demise server. Before I start I would like to point out that I have been apart of the RunUO community for a long time. I have donated and tried to help whenever I could. I started to play UO Demise last year. I have a lot of people I live with that like to play as well. We all started playing only to find out that there are only 3 connections allowed per IP address. I talked to a “kind and professional” GM and asked her if would could have more accounts and simultaneously connections so were able to play along side each other. There are people who have 3 accounts to themselves and we wanted only 1 but to be able to share in the fun at the same time. This GM asked me to mail a picture in to [email protected] to prove that there was indeed more people living with me. As promised, when she received the account information and picture she granted our request. We were all able to have a great time with no one waiting to log in. After some time some moved out and some left UO for some time. We now return to UO Demise with 5 players. I was sad to see my characters deleted due to not login into to refresh my account. I have to restart all over again. I had messaged a GM asking for the same thing as lost time. This GM named Ferris was the one who responded to my request. He said the same thing the GM from a year ago did, “Email me a picture with the computers in as well to prove it.” I did as he asked. I emailed him and he responded…

Re: Account limit
Ferris <[email protected]>

Allright, 5 accounts it is. Ofcourse, this is not set in stone forever.

Steve wrote:
> As per our conversation here are the pictures and account info.
> We have 6 kids in the house but now only 5 of us would like to play in total. We used to have 7 or 8 maybe.. Any ways if it is possible to have a total of 5 connections at once that would be great.

Everyone was happy to be able once again to play along side. Some days had passed by only to find that we all still can’t long in. Everyone was rushing everyone else to hurry and log out so that they could do the things the wanted to do. It was chaos trying to organise a schedule. I then messaged [email protected] with no response. I messaged a GM again. Saying “I’d had emailed and sent in a picture and we all still can’t connect. Is there someone who can help plz?” Again GM Ferris messaged me back saying that he did not say would could all connect at once. I replied saying that I didn’t say he said anything I was just asking for an answer. He wrote back that we are lucky to have 5 accounts and said that’s all “he” will allow us. I asked why it is now no even though a different GM allowed us. He said if I want to argue he would make it 3 and not 5. I asked to speak to another GM and thanked him for his time. He told me it doesn’t mater and that ALL GM’s have to go to him. If this is true then is sickens me that even though I was polite and I thought I was clear with what I was asking, that a GM would talk to me like that. Is this true that this GM Ferris is the “Master” of all GM’s and the owner of UO Demise? He denies my request for a different GM. It’s a shame that UO Demise is a nice place but a rude GM has to ruin the fun.


Re: A rude GM on Demise?

sadly you wont achieve anything posting here, probably you are toasted now like many others and mailing staff @ uodemise.com wont help
Re: A rude GM on Demise?

Yeah, Ferris is the head admin dude of Demise. It's his place, his rules.

The fact that he allowed 5 accounts to begin with is extraordinary; a lot of people here *do* have to split their 3 accounts among 2 or more people. The staff provide *very* few exceptions to the rule.