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A Fun Guild Idea...


A Fun Guild Idea...

I'm bored of pvping and was wonderin if anyone would be interested in startin a T-Hunting/monster bashing/dungeon crawling guild with me. I have all the treasure spots and dungeons marked and a 7x T-Hunter char and tamer.
Any template char could join- bard, warrior, mage, tamer, whatever

If anyone is interested in setting a guild up with me, IM me at Agent of Evil420
Re: A Fun Guild Idea...

There is a guild run by GM Chaos of a similar nature. I'm not sure how active they are, but my GF and I were thinking of the same idea. PKs would be treated like skilled monsters and would be dealt with accordingly on dungeon crawling characters. I think it would be fun to do.

First you should contact GM Chaos (Mike on the forums) and ask to join that guild, if it is still around and active.

If that guild has disbanded or aren't very active let me know and I'll help you get this new one started. I'll be back online and back in UO on Thursday, so you can contact me on ICQ or on PMs here.

ICQ: 41537733
AIM: Cebrious Arcane


Re: A Fun Guild Idea...

This sounds like a great idea, all you need to do is come up with a theme real fast or name so you can mix some light rp into it. Try to stay away from Pirates, Evil or Knight stuff so anyone can join it.

This is actually the best shard for roleplaying because it has a the highest population and no statloss. Roleplayers enjoy having freedom and random encounters.....

Let me know if you need help


Re: A Fun Guild Idea...

megas said:
wrong shard for that because too many pks out there to get in the way.

PKs dont concern me, 3/4 of the reds on here run after you heal out of their weak attempt at dumping and if too many come to handle, well, Kal Ort Por


I was in a guild on Catskills called DWG, we were rp if you wanted to and just basically had a good time hunting, training, helpin new members max their chars out, dueling for fun, etc. We rped/allied with GoL, PGOH, and OSS among others
I'd like to make a guild like that on here. I dont necessarily need to be the gm of the guild but I'd be willin to if needed.

I just got back from vacation so I'll be online alot more.

if anyone is interested IM me at Agent of Evil420, i dont check this post that often


Re: A Fun Guild Idea...

yeah people tend to knock guilds like DWG and gol but those guys made the shard fun =]


Re: A Fun Guild Idea...

I actually have a guild just like that and just started maybe a week ago.. KOB [ Knights of Britannia ] We dungeon crawl, merchant, t-hunt, and do all sort of things you are looking for. If you would like to join feel free to contact me at brandonof2oo2 - aim.


Re: A Fun Guild Idea...

You should get together with The Order guy and maybe merge, Where is your guilds HQ??