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30kk in runic hammers later...

Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

eerrrrrr... yeah... pretty much :p
but remember im starting out so i need a good wep before i get an uber one, and more crafts = more slayers, which are always good

if you have the money to burn its all fair do's but it makes me sad that 90% of the stuff you smelted was prolly better than what im using lol

to me, its foregoing many chances at gettin good things, for a few slim chances of getting uber.. from the position im in, this seems like madness, but from your position, i can see how it would be a good idea, i just didn't originally know you were trying for a 15/15-0
if you were after a 15/15 fc1 then it would be silly, you see what i mean?
Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

Thanks, CH :)

2 Aggies and 8 Gold got some nice shields but no banana. At which point I said "f*ck it" and went for the Verite. Took 18 charges before it popped up.

Grand total:

1x 15 15 sc0
2x 14 14 sc0
1x 14 13 sc0
1x 15 11 sc0
1x 12 12 sc0

1x 14 15 fc1
1x 14 14 fc1
1x 15 13 fc1
1x 13 15 fc1
1x 14 13 fc1
1x 13 14 fc1
1x 15 12 fc1
1x 12 15 fc1
1x 12 13 fc1
1x 15 10 fc1
1x 13 11 fc1


PS Thank God it did, or knowing me I wouldn't have been able to stop myself burning Val too... :confused:


Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

Feersum Endjinn;563032 said:
Ok, I can stop burning shields now...

(Verite Hammer)

very very very nice

I see you landed the 5th mod too. LRreq.

And yes Cal, if you only need a few mods on a weapon and don't care if its a great or perfect weapon than bronze hammers are probably all you need. Alot of weapons I made only needed like ssi and hitspell... so I made them with bronze hammers. But if youre like me and can afford the nice hammers then you might as well go for perfection =)

Edit: I really just hope people finally start to see that its not easy to get extremely nice pieces from runic hammers even if thats what they want to believe

BTW: FE how many shields did you get that were 15/15 fc1 in this process?


Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

EvilChild;562842 said:
40di 42harm 15hci ubws 20ssi - aggapite
This No-dachi is one of the best, if not THE best 2hand weapon on shard.

And i LOVE rich for selling me it cus the UBWS allows me to keep using my fencing weapons
plus the HCI15 allows me to use orny to keep 3/6 casting on my dexxer.

With Focus attack and Ki attack this thing puts out brutal damage.

Worth alot to me.


Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

Malafor;563059 said:
This No-dachi is one of the best, if not THE best 2hand weapon on shard.

And i LOVE rich for selling me it cus the UBWS allows me to keep using my fencing weapons
plus the HCI15 allows me to use orny to keep 3/6 casting on my dexxer.

With Focus attack and Ki attack this thing puts out brutal damage.

Worth alot to me.

Just let the kid talk, he doesn`t know what he`s talking about.
Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

Malafor;563059 said:
This No-dachi is one of the best, if not THE best 2hand weapon on shard.

And i LOVE rich for selling me it cus the UBWS allows me to keep using my fencing weapons
plus the HCI15 allows me to use orny to keep 3/6 casting on my dexxer.

With Focus attack and Ki attack this thing puts out brutal damage.

Worth alot to me.

cool, ornee on dexxer seems a bit weird tho... :S
you all played too long ;P
everyone's given up on effieciency because they've nothing else to buy, thats all ;P

whats a DI lumberjacker with axe of heavens like compared to a nodachi busher?
i must be honest, i wanna see how your build with no dachi does vs my wind tank... im not saying its crap or anything, im just interested.

wind tank is prolly the worst spec for you to pvp against, purely because you'll have such a hard time actually hitting twice in a row, unless there's some trippy bushido hax im not aware of, and i find it hard to believe you'd drop me in 2 hits even if you did...


Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

Aeolus said:
God, this thread was a painful read.:(
Agree. This thread sux :X

FE said:
15/15 SC-0

Lucky SOB :D
First one ever on Demise.

Congrats FE! Somehow, i always had a feeling the first one would be yours, eby's or crackhead's :)

Added to my collection. Btw, it has become obvious that getting nice things with high level runics is NOT (at all) as easy as it seemed to be when the runic bumps was implemented.

Im starting to think that my Items Catalogue is still very valid, at least for most pieces. Whats your guys opinions about it?


Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

falum;563144 said:
40di demon slayer 40hll 46hml -20mage - aggapite How much ?

nothing you could probably afford even if I ever did decide to sell it.


Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

Sly-demise;563214 said:
That wasn't nice :(

Well hey... you can all craft comparable weapons with copper hammers... so I mean its only worth like 75k tops right? I personally am quite amazed by the absolute influx of this kinda weapon and 15/15 fc1 shields. It certainly is by no means one of a kind.



Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

Cal-demise;562927 said:
the guy posted a pic of him killing someone, with no reference to the person killed, it could be a person with 0 resists that has gained bushido perfection on?

good luck doin that in a real fight vs someone with a proper suit who is hitting back and healing

and i've not done loads of smithing because i've not got money to throw down the drain, so i think about it, and do the sensible thing that will get me the best for my money.

the rich ppl on the other hand throw money away to try to get the one uber item they're after.

how does this not make sense to you? and im not a uo god, im just cleverer than anyone who's bothering to get involved in the arguement lol, probably for that exact same reason - because anyone who is actually clever, and has a bit of common sense, isn't gonna give two shits about some guy they dont even know saying some stuff they dont agree with

perfection dose not work in pvp


Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...


I should finished the threads, but I'll leave my response anyway

Quit raging man you are acting like a snotty little kid who doesnt know they dont know enough but opens up their mouth. Woop de do. you palyed 10 years..
I'm from launch

go wring out your sweaty mousepad and get a life.
Re: 30kk in runic hammers later...

gugutz;563133 said:
Lucky SOB :D
First one ever on Demise.

Congrats FE! Somehow, i always had a feeling the first one would be yours, eby's or crackhead's :)

Thanks gg. :)

Eby got the first 15 15 FC1 (with Self Repair 4 too). CH would have been in with a chance as well, but I don't think he burnt his Val on Shields.

gugutz;563133 said:
Im starting to think that my Items Catalogue is still very valid, at least for most pieces. Whats your guys opinions about it?

Check through the list of weapons, but basically I agree 100%.

Lady Rhoda Horsey;563162 said:
Dye it purple and ill take it off your hands :p

You always were a tempter, Lady R. :p
