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1911: How High Can it Fly? (Future price check, opinion thread)

Ok so please don't take this as an opportunity to chime in on what the Assassin hue is currently trading for...I know this, have been buying it all day.

I want opinions on where this hue is gonna be a year from now.

My opinion: I am really in love with this new hue and here's why: Basically, to me anyway, it has that "special something" that Fallon has, or maybe even better because it's a multi-hued hue that fades from lush red to black around the edges...this is really sweet.

And what this allows, is for the hue to be used WITH any number of other hues: it goes fine with HH, it goes great with black, it looks fine with TTS, and it nearly matches the new Devil masks which are also very cool.
Now see Fallon, by contrast, and again purely in my opinion, doesn't go great with other hues except maybe 1264, and really just demands more and more fallon. Hence the "total fallon" looks that some people wear. Same is true of brit, and vesper.
So having said all that, and at this point not knowing how much 1911 is out there or how universal its appeal will be, and having seen Pilgrim (in my opinion not nearly as sexy a hue as 1911, not even close) level out at or around 900k/yd, I'm thinking we may have the newer, better fallon here and it may go to two mil a yard someday.
What do you think? Am I nuts? Thanks all! -Elric

pete liv

nah too much like HHred and the holiday sweat

looks better but over 500k is unlikely. 400k def. wouldn't take any less but don't expect more. not unless gifts go away in like 2 days, people will be getting many more gifts in the next few days


Nah itll be right with pilgrim prices or higher. Theres no denying it. Especially since Only a hand full of people have really bought bulk of it cornering the market.

pete liv

well consider things like this
that's one person. there was over 15 robes in their pack.
i have 4 myself from stealing

it will take a god awful long time to reach anything near 900k.

and note that gifts are still being handed out

that said, get it while it's cheap, don't cut it; and cash in when people start posting in the "buying" section
ok so it's got a little more glow behind it

same hue, little bit more "umpf"

not much different
ok well. i just saw zeliconix' 1911 fancy dress in town and i would personally rather wear that than fallon b/c it's more eye grabbing, glows more and as I said at the top, you can put more things with it, and it will work. That makes it superior to fallon, just on a visual basis. And I saw frank's hat...that fucker glows! that extra ooomf is pretty powerful.
Only thing that will kill this hue is if there's just flat-out too much of it. But with the hoarders in this game I doubt that's gonna be a problem.

pete liv

while all that may be true

the only thing that matters is it's desirability along with it's avail.

people will want fallon longer and harder, and considering the possible amount of robes that have yet to come into play (who knows, this might be the next christmas hue as well for small presents)

the only thing you can do is be hopeful.

and buy low.

always buy low.
id put it around the other random new lesser hues that come out. much like pete said probably end up going for the 400-600k range. i think thats about the same as pilgrim if i remember right but it might be a little more than this since its had time to settle.
Maybe not better than fallon, but aside from the winter hues and pw best on server imo. It makes pilgim look like shit even. I think once its all cut and clothed i see it matching what mika brings easily. It glows like none other accept the 2067 if im not mistaken. Love it!


This is like the fallon of reds... most pilgrim goes for around a 800-1 mil /yd... believe me I sold atleast 100yds of it at diff times. That was for untailored... tailored stuff drops to 400-600


There are pictures in the general forums of assasins hue and what it looks like . I am patch 7.0.18 and can see it you should be patched up to there or higher. They are def not jet black.