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MB's brother

Bad Mutha

I casted MA on you until you reacted what a fucking douche you are.

Cannot kill wisp, sucker? Can't prevent an eo/mana vamp? Dude you're really that bad? Why should I show respect to someone who calls out people for duels and then runs across the whole fucking map to flee?

Bad Mutha

I distinctly remember you walling me right in front of the gate and then running away when you saw how bad you are at this since you fucking failed big fucking time.

Bad Mutha

I simply return the favor of shared screenies with you tokeman. And yeah it felt fucking good to finally catch you after you started running again for the 5th time.

What was that you said? Oh yeah "owned 1v1"

And I dont need to edit my fucking screenshots to have the name of the people i killed like a fetish maniac12-23-2015 00.11.28.jpg
Little billy @CaptainNuke

That screen shot of that dead tamer is not me.

You have never killed me in a fair 1v1 and never will.

Sad to say every time you come across my screen, you run for the hills until another 5 hz are there to protect your bitch ass.

Don't show screenshots of defenseless trammies, and think ypu have a victory on your no good, pathetic hands.
He will be fighting me and have someone run on screen with explosion pre-casted.

He has never killed me in the pits and never will.

Bad Mutha

Little billy @CaptainNuke

That screen shot of that dead tamer is not me.

You have never killed me in a fair 1v1 and never will.

Sad to say every time you come across my screen, you run for the hills until another 5 hz are there to protect your bitch ass.

Don't show screenshots of defenseless trammies, and think ypu have a victory on your no good, pathetic hands.

If I managed to woop you without losing once I'm pretty sure Billy can outplay you easily


Little billy @CaptainNuke

That screen shot of that dead tamer is not me.

You have never killed me in a fair 1v1 and never will.

Sad to say every time you come across my screen, you run for the hills until another 5 hz are there to protect your bitch ass.

Don't show screenshots of defenseless trammies, and think ypu have a victory on your no good, pathetic hands.
i know it not you dummy you are a faggot in vd that is called him but plz get real with yourself lol each time you see me you run away you tried to gank me 2 vs 1 with that shitty archer and failed coz Will was there and runned away run from 2 vs 2 faggot

and it crazy how you create story but we all know youre a joke lol
im running while out of mana while u have a wisp up and fuckin mana vamp me, still no big to me but you my friend you are bad, you still cannot kill me even with field and wall in while chuking conflag and explo at me i simply walk out wehen the wall drops.. u are not a good pvper man, not to mention ur leack of respect i walk out and u instantly start casting ur a mad sad confused little guy .
He always does that then talks shit like we all suck for being out of mana. Sad part is he still can't kill us even when we are drained so what's that tell you. Billy, havoc and sometimes heavy smoker chase my ass with no mama and they kill me. Why can't you? Ohh that's right cause you suck dude. @Bad Mutha stop pretending your so good. Not even the hz client helps you.

Bad Mutha

And Kael, dude, you run out 3 screens away even when people dont blow your mana up just because, like the rest of the schmunks here, you're all lost when you end up oom, wasting your mana on ma/fb spams like crazies and then acting like "oh shit wtf am i going to do now damn" tsss


My god... Get @Darian#1 in here to call you a bunch of 'pagan'. This has become a Hybrid Screenshot War...

Tho I wonder why so many were deleted? Maybe some bad manner posting with it.