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The truth hurts.


Yaz angry LOL. Dont worry yaz! That won't be the last time you die with your guild.

Baha angry? I laughed so hard when alvin added me and kapero in a skype chat, asking for help because you refused to raid with your guild. PS: he said there were at least 10 online members in V, I'm guessing there were about 10 more in VD .. one word: Pussies

Mister Pink

At least they went there trying to fight unlike you weak pussies

I'd rather gate fight than die in embarrassing fashion like your guild did. I don't think your attempt at the harrower raid was anything heroic or commendable. You guys showed up on the wrong templates asking to be slaughtered and you were. I suspected Hz would try the harrower after hearing about the oaks. Still I didn't find out about it until it was in true harrower form, at 60% life, and all the tentacles were dead. Sure I could of came down on a necro/mage with 3-4 people from our guild, and if we all worked together it might of made a difference. It wouldn't of worked out in our favor to do it that way.


Baha angry? I laughed so hard when alvin added me and kapero in a skype chat, asking for help because you refused to raid with your guild. PS: he said there were at least 10 online members in V, I'm guessing there were about 10 more in VD .. one word: Pussies
Wrong. We had maybe five. The rest were either afk or busy with something else.


Even if it were true yaz. No one really gives a shit. People go and do IRL shit on weekends so exactly who thinks UO is more important? Don't worry yaz, you will get your spanking from us soon enough.


Even if it were true yaz. No one really gives a shit. People go and do IRL shit on weekends so exactly who thinks UO is more important? Don't worry yaz, you will get your spanking from us soon enough.

Even fights? Dream on .. . .. .

Oh and btw Qing is made up of Europeans, so lets also let the record show we have 3 to 4 times your ping and you still getting your ass whooped

Mister Pink

Even fights? Dream on .. . .. .

Oh and btw Qing is made up of Europeans, so lets also let the record show we have 3 to 4 times your ping

Liar! Kapero has 10 x the ping of rest of shard. That takes your average ping up to at least 5-6 times ours!
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That doesn't matter when you all play archers lol

Erm, I'm pretty sure I play a mage 99.5% of the fights. I already kill you with 4x the ping let alone with the same ping. I would traumatize you not just kill you, if I fought you win same ping


If you ever manage to kill me yaz, you will nut all over yourself like the rest of the shard and post screen shots everywhere. Because I am so good that my death is trophy worthy. Now shut up go play in the road kid. You left an organized guild, I'm curious who is your guild leader again?


If you ever manage to kill me yaz, you will nut all over yourself like the rest of the shard and post screen shots everywhere. Because I am so good that my death is trophy worthy. Now shut up go play in the road kid. You left an organized guild, I'm curious who is your guild leader again?

1. I can fight you anytime

2. Your guild blows (not the people in it, there are quite a few decent ones. it's the leadership that's shit)

3. None of your business

4. Organised really? LOL People do what the fuck they want in your guild that they didn't even want to install UOC and I said just kick them out and your reply was: "No or else we will lose numbers" so you proposed a -2 roll on a 120... . . . . . . #numbersoverskill

4.1 Organised really? That's why you guys did a harrower with 50% archers and tactics mages when you said necro mage weavers but i guess the numbers thing went to your head and you allowed it


You're right, I supposed its better to have a 13 yr old girl lead you than me. It was fun playing with you until you died more than once and the logged off. He never plays a mage or cross heals so good luck


You're right, I supposed its better to have a 13 yr old girl lead you than me. It was fun playing with you until you died more than once and the logged off. He never plays a mage or cross heals so good luck

I guess you are getting your ass whooped by me and the 13 yr old girl so badly that your spawn rate in european timezone went from 8-10 a day to 0


Bug Huntress

The problem is all inside your head
They said to me
The answer is easy if you
Take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle
To be free
There must be fifty ways
To leave your lover

They said it's really not my habit
To intrude
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won't be lost or misconstrued
But I'll repeat myself
At the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways
To leave your lover
Fifty ways to leave your lover

You Just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

They said it grieves me so
To see you in such pain
I wish there was something I could do
To make you smile again
I said I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways

They said why don't we both
Just sleep on it tonight
And I believe in the morning
You'll begin to see the light
And then she kissed me
And I realized she probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To leave your lover
Fifty ways to leave your lover



Yes Yaz it is ironic, you and hz lost baracoon to us. :thumbsup: 5(VD)vs6(Qing)vs5(Hz). Good job, thanks for fighting.

1. It was 4 Qing learn how to count (Yaz, Falda, Shadowsong, Cecilia)
2. It was 4 Hz learn how to count (Ramax, Billy, Muscles, Crescent Moon)
3. Alvin invited me to raid your coon because he said he wanted a re-match after beating down a 7 V/VD and took your neira with 5 of us, but what he really meant is, Hz is here come fight them so we just sit in altar and kill coon and pretend we won.

The truth hurts:

Proof as usual:



Oh yeah, missing kapero which left after few times licking the floor.



1. It was 4 Qing learn how to count (Yaz, Falda, Shadowsong, Cecilia)
2. It was 4 Hz learn how to count (Ramax, Billy, Muscles, Crescent Moon)
3. Alvin invited me to raid your coon because he said he wanted a re-match after beating down a 7 V/VD and took your neira with 5 of us, but what he really meant is, Hz is here come fight them so we just sit in altar and kill coon and pretend we won.
I originaly left an Ogre Lord in mg britt renamed to "WENT COON", hz must have seen it.

Hz was no match for us - they were dieing like flies, the only real opponent there was you, and I say that with all honesty.

-Goog fight, was really fun.