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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz

Mister Dank

you get slaughtered whenever it is even close to even numbers, just admit it

you haven't been on top of anything except a pile of corpses

Aegian Rayth

So offering pvp for fun doesn't work. Offering pvp to settle a score doesn't work. Offering pvp to prove one's intention doesn't work.

All we are left with is Lukin's delusions of grandeur and a silent MusclyBarbarian. Good old Hz.


So you started the event to challenge someone to compete with you. As soon as someone can you quit "for the lulz".

Anyone who has ever dealt with HZ at spawns or pvp know that if you get close to even numbers, they will run away without fail every time, I don't post over here much but this thread went from cool, to butt hurt, to cool, to really lame all in 19 pages.

Aegian Rayth

It's not like they are all shitty pvpers or something. There are several decent mages in their outfit. Why there is not one single person in that guild that can say "yeah, I like pvp, let's set up some matches for fun", though, is beyond me.
It never ceases to amaze me how the same kids who have always played together for years now cant stop bickering with eachother no matter what. Much like married couples.

Demise should re-implement weddings. At least make it legitimate.

el pepino

Come one, Come all, Fight even numbers or not..!..!..! Simply just fight. The fun of the game is in the action that takes place. Action = PvP.
Ladies & Gentlemen... Our lovely server is terribly void of action. Let us remember that these are pixels made for our enjoyment and proper planning went into their making... Remember, as impossible as it is to win Ultima Online it is equally impossible to lose as long as you continue to play... That being said the only road to failure is inaction. A player death, the death of an entire guild, the loss of a champion spawn... These things are not failures unless you let that action make you as a player or as a group inactive. If dying or loss of items is a reason to not compete and play with your fellow nerds then perhaps you need to remember why you started playing UO to begin with....

I hope to see you all on the field. :cool:


So the fights would be fun, but you just don't feel like it right now, but you are on UO (presumably to have fun? lol). I'll let you digest your own shit for a while, you make sure to have some fun in tokuno. And when that ends, maybe some halloween town? After that? After that it's dinner time. What about after dinner? Oh? Right to bed? Well what about tomorrow, or any time in the coming week, you name it? No? Busy? With what? Oh. Well shit, that's a real shame. And you say this isn't because Paul is an undefeated badass champion in even-numbered fights? You just don't feel like having fun? Ok. *buys it*
Like ive said, when I get my suit up to par since ive only been back for what like 2-3 weeks at most, Ill be all over your invitation as far as I can recall Paul Ive never backed down from you or your brothers and surely not from rayth or even bile for the matter. all am saying gimme a week or so and ill be glad to find a partner or partners to challenge you and your group.

bout the event no the schedule was not changed we just haven't met it so we failed at 30 harries in 30 days ahh welll live goes on we sure did.

Aegian Rayth

Of barcode...Nya...china...riot....fat...rot...etc etc etc....and of course the corpse of phelon. He neglected to ask hzs permission to spawn so we had no choice but to slay him along with the rest of you :(

You know... looking back on when Barcode split, and Hz began to form... I had high hopes for you, Lukin. You can ask the regulars, Bile, Paul, etc... I mentioned it multiple times. I had expected you to take on a leadership role in Hz and to help influence Muscly's trammel ways. I had hoped you would lead Hz, forming them into a badass Felucca force, willing to take on all comers in the name of pride for your group, pride for yourself, and for the enjoyment of endless field fighting on a large scale, because you knew you could get that much from us.

You're gonna sit back and claim you've been "beating us into the dirt" for over a year, but scoff at the idea of organized fights (even if it is as unorganized as "meet us in Bucs in 20 minutes, bring however many you want"). You say you guys formed this [PRE] "to create pvp", but if the numbers are not in your favor, you refuse to fight. EVEN numbers are not even good enough. It's pathetic, reading through the litany of excuses. This wasn't an event to stir up PVP, man... it was just a self-serving couple of weeks of pvm.

I'm really disappointed that this is where it's gotten to. To the point where you say "It's just more fun to say no and watch you seeth over our boisterous claims."

Is it really... more fun... to do that? What a joke.


You know... looking back on when Barcode split, and Hz began to form... I had high hopes for you, Lukin. You can ask the regulars, Bile, Paul, etc... I mentioned it multiple times. I had expected you to take on a leadership role in Hz and to help influence Muscly's trammel ways. I had hoped you would lead Hz, forming them into a badass Felucca force, willing to take on all comers in the name of pride for your group, pride for yourself, and for the enjoyment of endless field fighting on a large scale, because you knew you could get that much from us.

You're gonna sit back and claim you've been "beating us into the dirt" for over a year, but scoff at the idea of organized fights (even if it is as unorganized as "meet us in Bucs in 20 minutes, bring however many you want"). You say you guys formed this [PRE] "to create pvp", but if the numbers are not in your favor, you refuse to fight. EVEN numbers are not even good enough. It's pathetic, reading through the litany of excuses. This wasn't an event to stir up PVP, man... it was just a self-serving couple of weeks of pvm.

I'm really disappointed that this is where it's gotten to. To the point where you say "It's just more fun to say no and watch you seeth over our boisterous claims."

Is it really... more fun... to do that? What a joke.

Id like to direct you to your previous post

/exit thread


Verbal diarrhea ..... field fight.. more diarrhea organized field fight.... blah blah blah fight even numbers. l

You are like a broken record this is all I have read from you for 16 pages.

GO make your own thread and GTFO mine. There was no need to highjack this one.

I give you props for one thing and one thing only getting those Money guys to listen and get off their asses use map, vent, a guildhouse and various other tools available to help them.

You want 3v3 the gms host events every weekend sign up strut your stuff.

Our event is over feel free to come up with an event of your own.

Aegian Rayth

Eat my shit, Butterface. It's an open forum, and I'm clearly staying on topic. Player Run Event designed, according to the guild that hosted it, "to create pvp". That's what we're talking about. So pipe down.

It cracks me up how different these forums are from the hybrid forums. Over there, Hz woulda been laughed out of Felucca by now.


Eat my shit, Butterface. It's an open forum, and I'm clearly staying on topic. Player Run Event designed, according to the guild that hosted it, "to create pvp". That's what we're talking about. So pipe down.

It cracks me up how different these forums are from the hybrid forums. Over there, Hz woulda been laughed out of Felucca by now.
ooooo name calling wow you are a rage baby!!!!!!!!!! This thread was about a specific event, and even if that event was pvp it sure was not about lets all hold hands and have a nice fair even fight with rules and pick teams. This is not grade 5 dodgeball.