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your tips on wep storage


your tips on wep storage

just wondering how you guys keep all your weps organized? I only keep high end powers and vanqs but I have shitloads. I can't seem to find a system I like only because If i put all the maces in with the maces,swords with swords, bows with bows etc etc it all gets facked up in under a week. So I just wanted to hear about what some of you guys do to keep your weps in line... discuss


You've been ramb0ned
Re: your tips on wep storage

I throw out/give away anything that isn't eminently vanq or better. 1 chest for polearms, 1 chest for swords, 1 chest for spears, 1 for krysses and warforks, 1 for bows/xbows and 1 for maces

Afro Man

Re: your tips on wep storage

I just have 2 weap boxes.. one full of good weaps, and the other with the backup weaps. I just take what I need and leave.


Re: your tips on wep storage

Rambone said:
I throw out/give away anything that isn't eminently vanq or better. 1 chest for polearms, 1 chest for swords, 1 chest for spears, 1 for krysses and warforks, 1 for bows/xbows and 1 for maces



Re: your tips on wep storage

i dont have any, i just go to delucia, look peoples weaponbs, chose the best onde, dsarm / steal! =]


Re: your tips on wep storage

just get liek 12 boxes in like a 10x10 house secure em all and put vanqs on top boxes and under each one like swords on top for vanq, swords on bottom for power. anything else isnt even worth. if u got a force u might as well jsut log onto a alchystunmage


Re: your tips on wep storage

thx i guess i am just being to anal about how and where my weps are stored i should probably do what rambone said and trash everything but vanqs thanks guys


You've been ramb0ned
Re: your tips on wep storage

give anything < vanq to newbs

i gave some guy like 200k worth of axes yesterday
Re: your tips on wep storage

Re: your tips on wep storage

i put all mine in chests not sorting at all by quality type or anything, i do this to increase the item count on the shard and to feed my massive epeen. i should further note that i dont use any of them because i dont play dexxers or hally mages or any of that bullshit


Re: your tips on wep storage

i save all crap weapons in a house, and wait for one of those "clean up brittannia" things again, like i did last time. phoenix armor for 2 mil was great :D


Re: your tips on wep storage

I just have a chest for each weapon skill catagory (fencing/macing ..etc..) with 2 chests inside of it, for power and vanq


Re: your tips on wep storage

jizzmaster said:
i save all crap weapons in a house, and wait for one of those "clean up brittannia" things again, like i did last time. phoenix armor for 2 mil was great :D

They said after the last one, there would never be another one.

Remember last time they had to clean up the server? They just deleted stuff.


Re: your tips on wep storage

Addicted said:
They said after the last one, there would never be another one.

Remember last time they had to clean up the server? They just deleted stuff.
guess i can actually use that house than, damn ;/ i got like 1k ruin weps and shit.