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X360 in Seattle?


X360 in Seattle?

My brother is going to Seattle tonight, and I wanted to ask him to bring me some stuff for my Xbox 360 (that kind of stuff is a lot cheaper there than here in Brazil). But last time he was there, he said he couldn't find X360 games anywhere.
So, is there anybody there who knows where to buy X360 games and accessories in Seattle? Where is it?


Re: X360 in Seattle?

He couldn't find 360 stuff in the US? I don't think he tried very hard.... Considering Microsoft is based in the same state, 360 stuff is very very easy to find.

There are over 30 GameStop's in the Seattle area alone, and God knows how many other companies selling 360 stuff, too.


Re: X360 in Seattle?

Game Stop, Game Crazy, Pawn Shops, Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, Open Markets, Casinos, Malls, Hollywood Video, BlockBuster Video, Microsoft Corp., Antique stores, Cost Co., Frys Electronics Store.

If he has access to the internet then. Amazon.com, Gamestop.com, GameFly.com, HollywoodVideo.com, BlockBusterVideo.com, Microsoft.com, Bing.com, Ebay.com, Gamecrazy.com, Walmart.com, Target.com, Kmart.com, Samsclub.com, Costco.com, Frys.com


Re: X360 in Seattle?

woodycook;771137 said:
Tell your brother to not shop at Wal-Mart though. He might die of lead poisoning.

Deals out weigh the lead danger. If I can buy a bicycle for $3.99 and it's made of pure lead.. At least I got a sweet deal.

Jk. F Walmart in the A. Global monopoly..