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wow great job CiA... rofl...


wow great job CiA... rofl...

Second day on this shard, me and Anarchiste (Boris from Catskills) were around Brit, when about 10 of you nubs show up. So we recall and decide to get pots and regroup, then come back.

We recall in, to see about 5 of you, then we drop one, (wish i knew the names...) then run to get a good three vs two...

They then dump and fail to drop neither one of us. Then they run 3vs2 and then come back with 3 more, so we then run...

Are there any decent pvp'ers here?? If so, plz show me this shards pvp isn't totalyl fucking horrible..

** I just came here from Defiance shard, and I believe I'm brining some others from there to terrorize yer chard. =<


Ejin said:
Second day on this shard, me and Anarchiste (Boris from Catskills) were around Brit, when about 10 of you nubs show up. So we recall and decide to get pots and regroup, then come back.

We recall in, to see about 5 of you, then we drop one, (wish i knew the names...) then run to get a good three vs two...

They then dump and fail to drop neither one of us. Then they run 3vs2 and then come back with 3 more, so we then run...

Are there any decent pvp'ers here?? If so, plz show me this shards pvp isn't totalyl fucking horrible..

** I just came here from Defiance shard, and I believe I'm brining some others from there to terrorize yer chard. =<

2nd day on this shard and you have 50+ posts. I call bullshit. If u want a fair fight my friend and i will drop your asses everytime...so less bitching and more fighting.


Reality said:
These CIA guys are fun. I know I had fun dropping the mass groups of them with my small IC group today

omg, you were on and you didnt tell me!?
dude, where's the love?


I used to play here for wiht an unfinished char, trying to work on him for bout a week, not even pvp'ing while on here, and my 50 posts were nearly gurantee'd all on the trading post in the past few days...

I will gladly two v two anyone ... We can bet $$$ if you like.

ICQ 311533769


Reality said:
These CIA guys are fun. I know I had fun dropping the mass groups of them with my small IC group today

Yeah me, ts and the rest of SL sure had fun owning CoM and their what? 4-5 Tamers?


Ejin said:
*** names were Ho Chin, Alphonso, and Binya that ran 3 vs. 2..

Yeah I guess CiA is noobs because those guys ran 3v2. Oh crap, Binya is the only one in CiA.

It really amazing that you saw 10 of them. There are 9 members, and I am one of them, and havn't been on my char for weeks. That brings the total down to 8 possible. I don't think I've ever seen Leoric, so thats 7. Souf is hardly on, so thats 6... wow that number is dropping fast.

And if we are talking about the same incident - I was there on another one of my chars, as I recall you did a lot of running and you died about three times. I also recall a party size of 6, 4 of whom were in CiA. Nice job making yourself look big, but I suggest you actually do something that IS big and bad, THEN post about it. Bending the truth, exaggerating, or just plain lying isn't going to do you any good.


by 10 i meant minax, but i know for a fact there were a few CiA...

And me dying about three times? no?? I didnt die that day i believe... so plz lie more..

And Yes, I ran alot because I really didnt feel like staying to fight a 2 vs however many u had so I tried to split them up, as which case I did and as which case you guys are fuckin nubs and recall 3 vs 2...

Very gg, ...



Well when you call out CiA with the name of your thread... expect responses.

And I'm not sure if we ARE actually talking about the same day, but I remember killing you once, and you dieing twice more. I'll look for screenshots but I can't promise anything.

"KK Very gg, ..."