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Lord Mars

Re: When?

i see these qns posted all the time that my blood boil and feel for the staff so stfu and enjoy what is being given to you have patience TY


Re: When?

everyone needs to remember this is a free server ... and many people donate their time.. which means less time for them to play..heck it takes lots of time if you are just a player so be thankful for how well this server does run
Re: When?

To give you a short answer of what's going on...

Not everything can be implemented immediately. A lot of things REQUIRE something else first in order to work. Since going open-source, the RunUO project has placed a priority on perfection; code can't be considered "done," until it's tested to death and confirmed to be flawless and give results exactly like on OSI.

Now, this is what is likely to be done, IN ORDER, for us to see Mondain's Legacy content:
  • The crisis issue at the moment is that version 7 clients don't work with RunUO or Demise. This is UTMOST priority. Once this is taken care of, other projects can come back off of the back-burner.
  • Before ANY major ML stuff is put in, we need the ML quest engine. EVERYTHING else in ML virtually RELIES on an engine-based quest. Technically, we only have spellweaving BECAUSE it was implemented before "perfect accuracy" became the norm. (once the engine is in, and the proper spellweaving quests are in, ALL existing spellweaving books will be deleted)
  • Next (and actually in the works) we need to code in all the new ML items, item mods, etc. Of course, this can't be enough alone, since the recipes to MAKE any and all of these are quest rewards; hence we need the ML quest engine.
  • Once we have the ML quest engine in, AND all the ML items coded, THEN we can start having ML craftables. Of course, we'll have to develop each quest to add them, so it'll be gradual.
  • Once we have the crafting system in PLACE, we can start working on the peerless dungeons, as well as the other monsters for them.


Re: When?

Nottheking;633784 said:
  • Before ANY major ML stuff is put in, we need the ML quest engine. EVERYTHING else in ML virtually RELIES on an engine-based quest. Technically, we only have spellweaving BECAUSE it was implemented before "perfect accuracy" became the norm. (once the engine is in, and the proper spellweaving quests are in, ALL existing spellweaving books will be deleted)
  • Next (and actually in the works) we need to code in all the new ML items, item mods, etc. Of course, this can't be enough alone, since the recipes to MAKE any and all of these are quest rewards; hence we need the ML quest engine.
  • Once we have the ML quest engine in, AND all the ML items coded, THEN we can start having ML craftables. Of course, we'll have to develop each quest to add them, so it'll be gradual.
  • Once we have the crafting system in PLACE, we can start working on the peerless dungeons, as well as the other monsters for them.

This needs to be a sticky somewhere


Re: When?

There are still tons of bugs in the AOS and SE parts. IMHO there shouldn't come ANY ML stuff until AOS/SE is fixed and runs the way it should.

But yeah, someone opened the cookie char a while back, else we wouldn't have Spellweaving, elves, etc.
Re: When?

Hilde;633787 said:
There are still tons of bugs in the AOS and SE parts. IMHO there shouldn't come ANY ML stuff until AOS/SE is fixed and runs the way it should.

not to consider SE is not completed yet: Autorecovery arrow feature is on testing, Instanced loot is still missing.
Re: When?

Hilde;633787 said:
There are still tons of bugs in the AOS and SE parts. IMHO there shouldn't come ANY ML stuff until AOS/SE is fixed and runs the way it should.

But yeah, someone opened the cookie char a while back, else we wouldn't have Spellweaving, elves, etc.

I love you.