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Shadora is threatened!!!!

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Quote: "And if iam trustworthy or not, thats no question you turd, because everybody like it if i drop checks of 450k amount at brit bank, dropping robes.... dropping...weaps..yeah dropping all the Time!"

I could care less about you two squabbling about your malls, however I would like to say that for someone who claims to be so honest and giving, my first weeks treament couldn't have been farther from that.

You may have a lot of people who don't question your honesty or fairness however there are a few of us who do. (not that it matters we're a bunch of pixels BUT since you claim it I just wanted to add my two cents)

Somehow I'd heard you helped a lot of newbies on the shard amid some ppl who were planning to bola you off the white horse you'd bought some time back and then kill it, but you never returned to the bank.

I'd never had a run in with you however I had seen you at the bank on many occasions, some of which you were antagonizing thieves to steal sandals from players etc so you could buy and resell them. I was actually shocked to hear someone I'd got the impression was an honorable and charitable player saying this type of thing publically at the bank. *shrugs* But I figured it's a dog eat dog world, oh well, everyone's gotta make their buck ya know.

The thing that really let me know what type player you were was the night you and your friend Nazgul brought a WW to the Britain Bank and released it, which in turn killed me and allowed you to loot my neon green sandals and a few other worthless items.

Yes it was quite amusing, and it's all fair because of the game, BUT, I find it's mildly humoring to hear one speak so highly of one's self when it's not the truth.

Good thing I learned early on about you, I guess if not I could have lost a lot more.

I told some of my friends if you tried to pass them a check to take it, you'd probably be taking more than that from them on a later occasion. :(


This is one of the most ridiculous wars this shard has seen.

I can understand a guild war...but a vendor war?
Come on...its just gold. No one can be friendly it seems :/


frist day i started thers been war between vendors and also outher ppl like ed and all the ppl that hated him (ME :)) abd all outers who pk ther so war will not stop !!!

To hell with RH !!!!!!!!!!!


First to Jenni

I wonder who did that to you. But, sorry, it wasnt me. Nazgul isnt my friend and i never released Whity Wyrm to kill you. And, there is no Need to steal sandals to resell them
lmao, i am rich enough to just buy pair by pair, rich enough to gamble with Lifecrafter with
550k Bets...rich enough to drop 18x18 Malls, rich enough to drop checks with horrible Ammounts, rich enough to drop all the Time for starting Players. If i drop shit, you are all
happy at me, but if i start to TAKE, you start whining ...

And might, before anybody posts his comments, he should get some info about the past.
As Rune Heaven declared War to me and started first with that Shit !
Butterface did a post in the Past : I am sorry, i started that shit !
But that posts/Threads wear pruned (deleted)

He came at my Mall and kissed my ass, and was praying for peace, because the shit isnt worth a War. Then his fucking Rune Heaven was dead like for 3 month, now i just came back
and start bitching at me again ? Hell, i bet most of you would say what he wants if the Payment is good ...

I dont force anybody to shop at my Mall, i dont force anybody to anything. I am making my millions, no matter if you buy or just die. And if there are single Users, that got disapointments from Game, got killed by any Noob (Nazgul=Silver/Sweetie) than that is not my problem.

I was always nice to evryone that was nice to me, i´ve just reflect what you gave to me.
And, sure, i know that starting that Game can be hard, thats why i am helping a lot.
I am sorry, that i always have to repat it, but, i started over many Times completly !!

And i dont give a shit anymore at stupid whining Turds, asking for money, because it is
realy easy to get rich here.

To the white Horse..... oh my God
i am getting pissed of talking about shit, that you dont know !

The pure white Horse was Charles Horse from the beginning. He got it because he made a big donation to the shard. I bought the Horse from him. I was waiting for bonding, but even after seven Days it wont get bonded, i paged Grevlok to look into it, or was it Tor ? lol

But anyways, atbrit bank some Fags tryd to bola me, but they couldnt make it. A Friend just
gave me the party message, that they want to do this shit :p
So i recalled and stabled it again. After that, i met charles, he said, he is missing his horse, so i just sold it back to him, and it is NOT killed. And i dont care if he sold it again to Lifecranter for 8 millions, bc i dont care about Gold.

So stop bitching at me now, i did enough to make enough Player enjoying this Shard.
And what did i get ? A Reward ? No. Just Slaps in the Face ...

Thx - Jasmine -


Quote: " First to Jenni

...but if i start to TAKE, you start whining ..."

First off, I never have and never will take any of your handouts that you seem so proud of.
Secondly, (is that quote your admitting it, after you said you didn't do it?!) if it wasn't you, you must have a twin on an ethereal bug, with an ice white vet robe and the same ice white ponytail with the same name, "Shadora". You may not be friends with Nazgul however, I find it odd that you followed me around the bank for about 15 minutes, very nonchalantly prior to my death, and you seemed to be quite proud of yourself as you gloated about how you managed to loot them off the grey that had taken them first (which I wouldn't doubt was another char of yours or someone in party with you). Oh yes, and I know you're very rich, no doubt from the antics I've previously witnessed, and it's ok, you don't have to hide what you are or do. I simply made a post regarding the incident I'd been a witness of. It really doesn't matter to me what you do or how you do it. I just know that you won't be profiting off my hard work again, and that others should be wary because not everyone who claims to be so honest and charitable are what they seem.

To me being trustworthy doesn't come from buying it by handouts, it comes from earning it honestly because other players know you won't rip them off, and truly being a nice player. And from experience, usually the one's who shout and procalim to be the most trusted are the one's who'd rob you blind, should they be given the chance. At first after my run in with you, I didn't think that this existed on the shard, but since the I have run into quite a few players who can be trusted.

I'd like to add I'm not here to have some flaming war with you, I'm stating what I witnessed as it happened to me. I won't reply to you again, as it appears you do enjoy this attention, and this is the inappropriate area for this type of thing, but I did feel it necessary this time.


Jenni said:
Quote: " First to Jenni

...but if i start to TAKE, you start whining ..."

First off, I never have and never will take any of your handouts that you seem so proud of.
Secondly, (is that quote your admitting it, after you said you didn't do it?!) if it wasn't you, you must have a twin on an ethereal bug, with an ice white vet robe and the same ice white ponytail with the same name, "Shadora". You may not be friends with Nazgul however, I find it odd that you followed me around the bank for about 15 minutes, very nonchalantly prior to my death, and you seemed to be quite proud of yourself as you gloated about how you managed to loot them off the grey that had taken them first (which I wouldn't doubt was another char of yours or someone in party with you). Oh yes, and I know you're very rich, no doubt from the antics I've previously witnessed, and it's ok, you don't have to hide what you are or do. I simply made a post regarding the incident I'd been a witness of. It really doesn't matter to me what you do or how you do it. I just know that you won't be profiting off my hard work again, and that others should be wary because not everyone who claims to be so honest and charitable are what they seem.

To me being trustworthy doesn't come from buying it by handouts, it comes from earning it honestly because other players know you won't rip them off, and truly being a nice player. And from experience, usually the one's who shout and procalim to be the most trusted are the one's who'd rob you blind, should they be given the chance. At first after my run in with you, I didn't think that this existed on the shard, but since the I have run into quite a few players who can be trusted.

I'd like to add I'm not here to have some flaming war with you, I'm stating what I witnessed as it happened to me. I won't reply to you again, as it appears you do enjoy this attention, and this is the inappropriate area for this type of thing, but I did feel it necessary this time.

I want you to rly think about that Sort of Badmouthing. I dont know if the Player still plays, but, as some Thiefs tryed to steal green Sandals from a Player by killing him, i looted him and gave all this shit back to him ! And if you rly start whining about a Game, that has so many facettes, you should get RL ...

And this Shard is still a PVP Shard, and it could be that you meet Players, that arent nice to you ... and if i want to get any Attention, like u said , i would just
make hundres of 5k checks and let them fall to the ground ...(like i did in the past)

STOP this Way bitching at me now ! i dont force anyone to anything, and if u get scammed,ripped,hacked, thats not my problem. This is still a Game, called to be a Role Playing Game, so...

There are just a few Players left, worth my Gold, worth my Time !
But why do you all still make me rich ? lol

If u are unhappy, just dont come here and buy my shit. But Hell, i know why
you still do it.... i am the cheapest.... ;)


- Jasmine-


I never have, nor ever will, buy anything from either of these malls after reading all these childish antics. Ill keep shopping at a machine's mall (which is never restocked but what the hell, at least i dont have a bunch of idiots trying to kill me).

Also, Shad, why dont you stop bragging and boasting about all your "good deeds", and i use that term quite loosely. I was there when you took Jenni's sandals, and it was the dumbest thing ive ever seen, but hey, you are a stupid german, which thus makes you a minority. Which also means YOU SHOULDNT BE ON GAMERS!. GO PLAY A GERMAN SHARD YOU IDIOT. Or at least learn some fucking english and propper grammer you fuck head. I hope you fucking die IRL you stupid nazi prick.


well, i need a rune to rune heaven....

because personaly, i fucking hate shadora....... she is a bitch, she give handouts to noobs so that they will stick up for her when this kind of shit happens.

this war is pointless, but so long as their are reds at rune heaven, thats where im going.

so if their is anyway i could get a rune to rune heaven, that would be nice.

(damn i hope they stick around......)
Ok first off just to let everyone know im the Gm of the Coon Clux Clan. I reside in the small house to the right of RuneHeaven. And are both friends of Butterface and Shadora. Now all this talk about who's mall is better is pretty entertaining. And I enjoy fights just as much as everyone. But Shadora... you would always bad mouth RuneHeaven whenever I was around. The ironic thing about it is that you even use there services?!?! Now I do my fair share of killing RuneHeaven customers... But camping the place for as long as you are... I find that pretty lame... I'm not trying to take sides but prove your malls are better then each other by selling shit rather then killing. Just my two cents...

Heres a cool idea that would add a great twist to this story... How about the gm's summon both Butterface and Shadora to the Del dueling pits. Announce to the shard they will be dueling. So that everyone goes and see's it.. Best out of 3 wins. Loser hands over deed to there mall to the winner. No whining no bitching no complaining... Since your both oh so rich..


well all i know, is as soon as i get some runes, my red will be killing people at shadoras mall, and my blue will be killing reds at rune heaven...

i dont want it to stop, i think its kinda fun..... like a player made event.....

im gona ride this wave till it dies!
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