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Rigby... please, start paying attention


Rigby... please, start paying attention

Well... the shadowlords have stolen our yew's sigil... I suppose that as new TB lider you're going to recover it...


he was sleeping fool! TB is the biggest faction and they cant defend the towns while their best members are away?


There is a difference between biggest faction, and most actvie faction.

Either way, TB could defend themselves without him.


In fact I could recover the sigil myself as I did previously and as I did with the whole other set of cities just before the elections were resolved, but the problem is that I'm a bit fed up of doing the "hard work" and then having leaders that don't even set things properly to keep the towns... so, if they want to be the leader of the faction, that's ok, but that means that they'll have to work their @$$ to keep the cities...
Drakull, DIAF.

Ive been at the hospital since 8:30 am yesterday. I got back around 11 pm EST.

You take factions to fucking serisously. Im getting sick of this Faction leadership bullshit when you guys dont even pvp.

so please, enlighten me on if you do or not.

Also, The only two Sigil's I care about are Brit and Mag.

So, other then those two, I could really not care at all.


Raezion- said:
Drakull, DIAF.
Ive been at the hospital since 8:30 am yesterday. I got back around 11 pm EST.
You take factions to fucking serisously. Im getting sick of this Faction leadership bullshit when you guys dont even pvp.
so please, enlighten me on if you do or not.
Also, The only two Sigil's I care about are Brit and Mag.
So, other then those two, I could really not care at all.

First thing sorry to heard that you were at the hospital. I hope you feel better. About pvp'ing or not... well, the first thing you need to notice is that factions is not just pvp'ing (try having a faction with just pvp'ers and no thieves/crafters at all... you'll see how screwed the will be. About pvp'ing, well... my thief killed the SL's thief a few times, so you can call it whatever.
About the sigils, if you don't care at all about them, and you don't even care much about the factions thing, why in hell did you joined the factions? you don't need them to just pvp. And in that case, why did you even applied for the leadership if you don't care at all?

Seriously... good luck with the sigils of brit and magincia... I don't think they will last long in your posession without a thief taking care of recovering them.


Axel said:
What I dont get is why does Reazion have to do it?
Well... if he's the faction leader he's supposed to try organizing at least the towns leadership so the town officers can set guards and all that to protect the sigils.


Then congrats... I see that you're the new SL leader (btw... dunno what you are waiting to get the remaining sigils).