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Returning back to uo need help with guild


Hey as i said im returning back to the wonderful world of UO im a little rusty but i remember alot i played alot like 5 years back and now i wanna start it back up again currently making a tamer have been playing for the last week but im missing the guild aspec of this game looking for one that does champs and other events and has a decent amount of people that do play frequently i might have noob gear right now but im not no noob feels like i have been playing this game all my life so let me kno =DDD


Yung lets see done school, do know proper grammer, and have a success career. I really hope that not everyone on this shard is like him >.<


RE: Underlined quotes.
Mmmm American Education system at work.
shit I can't type worth shit and I even know "it's a successful career". shit shifty you do know selling crack to some hooker ain't considered a successful career regardless the amount of money you don't bring in.

You type as good as you pvp....


Haters gonna hate ohh and dexter tell ur mom i have a ten o'clock apointment to drop off those crack bags hopfully she got her dick sucking quota up to afford them this time


Lol whys everyone hating on Mr. Clown? Whatd he do??

Everyone is assuming that its shifty da clown from like 3-4 years ago, And most ppl just didn't like him posting every other night asking about a templet/gear change such as should i go archery or swords should i use hom or kasa just stuff like that. You would think people would just avoid the threads but most of the posters back during that time would rather hop into a thread and cry, wine, complained, post some useless piece of info, or use the forums ignore feature.


Everyone is assuming that its shifty da clown from like 3-4 years ago, And most ppl just didn't like him posting every other night asking about a templet/gear change such as should i go archery or swords should i use hom or kasa just stuff like that. You would think people would just avoid the threads but most of the posters back during that time would rather hop into a thread and cry, wine, complained, post some useless piece of info, or use the forums ignore feature.

Oh I love that type stuff! PM me your template ideas =)


Oh I love that type stuff! PM me your template ideas =)
Actually i didn't care to much what he posted on the forums since i was in a guild with him for awhile, we ran around on 2 stealth archers for a bit ganking people so i didn't really have a problem with him.