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Reawakuna matata


Reawakuna matata

Warning: May contain graphic descriptions.

Much time had passed since his burial, his tattered and lifeless body found upon the battlefield, riddled with arrow fire. His flesh pale his gray eyes stare into the sky his long red hair strewn partially across his blood soaked face. War looters snatched away the many gold and silver pieces of jewelry from his body and his hammer before the citizenry were able to collect the dead.

His body was cleaned and the arrows removed from his chest, as they buried the fallen man in honor. On his tomb they inscribed...

Here Lies Lord Angus Coldiron, Baron of the Northern Highlands, Eminence of the Avatarian Church, Hero of Yew, Bane of the Covians.


Many months passed since the burial, the death of Angus Coldiron was a death unmorned, but honored. many saw him as brute, murderer, ruthless. Only few others saw him as Caring, Loyal, Patriotic... All images portrayed upon a man, a man if he could even be called as much. In the coffin of oak and steel laid the moisture soaked body. Maggots and parasitic worms made way into the arrow pierced holes eating away at the flesh and remnant of wood in the heart of the fallen Coldiron his features gaunt and withered as if deprived in some manner. His hair grown longer in his catacomb.

As the parasitic worms began to eat away further at the wooden remnants the body twitched then again with life renewed, as if it were imprisoned by the hold of the wooden splinters held within the body. A slow and wheezing labored breath inhaled at the musty and damp air within the coffin. He exhaled slowly coughed as mud and muck shot from his mouth, the pain of decomposition the pain of parasitic creatures actively feeding on his flesh and organs the dryness in his eyes were deafened by the powerful thirst overcoming his mind and spirit. Quickly looking around the coffin he was encased in he realized his predicament at his feet a small slither of sunshine hit his boot, the shallow grave had been his luck as he laid patience for night fall, his eyes twitching with every nibble the parasites took.

What had seemed like an eternity had finally come the cloak of night had come to fruition as Angus pressed his hand to the coffin pushing with has little unnatural strength remained in his body as mud and dry clumps of dirt fell into the coffin. As he continued to press as the night air swept into the hole enveloping Angus with the cool and humid night air of Yew. He slowly pulled himself out of the coffin barely able to stand crawled slowly to a nearby Great Tree of Yew and leaned on it, cackling to himself before a sweet aromatic scent captured his nose and flickered his senses. He closed his eyes slowly the smell describing it's source vividly in his mind as he thought to himself.

"Fair skinned... healthy young girl, hint of lamb, poverty, innocent. Ah yes... my favorite"

Angus smirked to himself as he slowly stood to his feet, his cheeks cracking at it's own dry nature. Summoning the strength to go toward his prey he stagger slowly for meters following the smell of her innocence as his facial expression smirking and vain as she came into to view walking with a heavy satchel of kindling and split lumber. Angus licked his lips leaving a slither of black murky saliva on his lips as he quickened his pace towards her his steps making little sound. The young girls continued to walks humming to her self oblivious to the impending and inevitable end of her life, as Angus closed in on her the smell drove him to a insatiable desire to feed as rushed behind her, clucking his tongue at the top of his mouth as she turned around quickly dropping her satchel of lumber she screamed loudly at the grotesque and decomposing form that now stood before her.

Angus smiled putting his fangs in full view as he drove towards her pinning her on the ground with a quick thud, she swings wildly at him in a frantic state of defense as Angus back handed her swiftly nearly knocking her unconscious as a line of blood ran down the corner of her lip. He stares at the blood a long moment before looking into her face.

"Vereor non tener parvulus , pro nunc vos vadum exsisto in paradise per nostrum divinus Senior in pacis."

Angus stated in a calm and monotone voice, as she began to regain her composure Angus dove into her neck with his fangs ripping away the flesh and arteries cupping his mouth over the wound as he partook of the sweet and nourishing vermilion life essence. As he fed his wound and decomposition healed and faded his flesh regaining lively color he grabbed her torso squeezing it as her bones crackled as if to get more blood from her. Her own body jerking and twitching as it became more and more lifeless with every passing moment her fleshed changed from the sun kissed tan to a pale and white complexion as Angus drained her of every last drop of blood pulling his lips from the gaping rip in his neck, licking his lips attempting to savor the taste. His own body restored the muscles bulging from the torn and decaying burial shroud his crimson hair restored to previous luster as he smirked and lolled his head to the side creaking his neck.

"Na jess ta' fin' meh shat n' git back ta wha' eh do best."

Angus smirked and looked around, before looking down at the pale and drained corpse. He stared at it before winking as flames began to engulf it, suddenly turning away and walking away from the blazing body disappearing into the darkness of the forest.
