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Paying 4 mil for this small tower


Paying 4 mil for this small tower

If you don't own it but know who does, I'll reward you as well.

I'd love to find out who owns this small tower. I'm willing to pay 2 mil to you if you tell me who owns it if it leads to a successful buy, straight up. Anyone know?

If you have any knowledge, please aim me at - Fonis Toastes

Re: Paying 4 mil for this small tower

That looks like the small keep that fell like 4 months ago that EQ/MS got. You must be westplz's friend or something tryin to get that plot?. Whoever owns this, if you have honour and hate EQ/MS alot, no price should sell this :D. Ohh and btw, the plot beheind that tower is owned by a I P member who moved his plot up to block a keep. Your best bet is to sell those 4 little plots you own cause that ain't ever gonna be a keep anytime soon, ROFL


Re: Paying 4 mil for this small tower

Hm? I don't believe so.

Paying 4 mil for that small tower and only that small tower :-D
Re: Paying 4 mil for this small tower

I mean, u can try to place ur keep there, pretty sure it blocks it though. I may be wrong. I counted out the tiles.


Re: Paying 4 mil for this small tower

I noticed the adjusting with the Sandstone...
Hows the keep working out?


Re: Paying 4 mil for this small tower

gosh, being in EQ/MS certainly has its drawbacks... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA




Re: Paying 4 mil for this small tower

Got it and without buying IP's shitty cottage.

Nice try, dickasses.


Re: Paying 4 mil for this small tower

also, ms/eq was fun, but it was annoying having it assumed by all staff that you're a cheater, scripter, and staff-hater just by having that tag. says more about those that prejudged than those that they prejudged...