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Parrying with Bushido


Parrying with Bushido

I've got a bushido character and am trying to raise parrying, but it just won't raise past the 26.8 I bought it up to. I'm using a Battle Axe, have 93 swords, 93 bushido, 82 tactics, 34 lumberjacking, and 26.8 parrying.

Do I just need to fight scarier stuff? I should think that just fighting earth eles, orcs, and ettins would get it at least past 26.8.

Orion Lighter

Re: Parrying with Bushido

you need to either get your bushido to 97.5 at least, or drop your bushido to 0 and gain parry first.

There's a bushido bug that doesn't allow parry to gain until it's close to GM. But it's waaaay faster to drop bushido to 0 and gm parry first


Bug Hunter
Re: Parrying with Bushido

Generally it's said that you need to raise parry FIRST and bushido second, or you'll run into this issue.

I was not interested in dropping and retraining bushido, so here is what I did.

Train bushido to 100+ (I went to 120)

Equip a 2-handed weapon and attack a herd of cats or something

Tab out so that you don't actually kill them

Spam confidence

I got to 115 parry very quickly this way. I did NOT get parry gains when confidence was down.


Re: Parrying with Bushido

since you're at 93 bushido already, i'd suggest grabbing a jewel with 7+ bushido on it and doing what gisela suggested.


Re: Parrying with Bushido

i´ve done the method of soulstone. Trained bushido first, got a little stuck and with low mana, it´s kinda hard to spam confidence. Luckly i´m with a vet account, so i´ve created another char with parry 50, healing 50 and just attacked 9 sheeps and voilá, gm parry.


I've just started my shard (only friends on it now) and it is intended to be a tokuno style only. So bushido is fairly important. And this bug is present. Is there still no fix for this bug.


Or you can just store Bushido in a soulstone, train Parrying, then draw Bushido back from the soulstone. Works just as well and you don't have to re-train anything.


I've played EA, and I didn't need a shield to build my parry skill. Granted it has been 3 or so years since I played there. But I had bushido and parry and was able to get gains on both while using a two handed weapon.
I've played EA, and I didn't need a shield to build my parry skill. Granted it has been 3 or so years since I played there. But I had bushido and parry and was able to get gains on both while using a two handed weapon.

Not that I am mistrusting you, but we use to have strict procedures about the RunUO development (as you can understand, it's about all of shards, not only about Demise). So, also for respect of those ones who make screenshots and videos to prove their statements, I have to ask to you to do the same... because it's important to know also how is *now* in OSI.

It's quite easy to test: go in OSI TC1 with 93 bushido and 26.8 parry and see if with a doubleaxe parry continues to raise.


way it works is you have to use bushido two handed weapons to learn parry. :] b/c bushido makes shields useless. Samurai are more adept at parrying with a weapon than a shield – especially the two-handed variety. This happens automatically as their Bushido skill increases along with Parrying. The Bushido skill will actually lessen the chance to block with a shield." exp." Darkened Sky,Swords of Prosperity or Daisho,Sai


How I think it should work (if that's not how it already works):
Anything that gives you above 0% chance to block should gain Parrying, regardless of Bushido, shields, 2H weapons or wtfever.
Dunno if that's how it works in OSI, but that's the only way to work that sounds logical to me.
Bama checked the bushido/parry gain for me, and seems there is some truth in an eventual report.

Meaning: Bushido still influences Parry gains as reported by various Stratics forum posts, as well as Throwing (SA ability), but seems in OSI you are able to continue to gain in parry with 93 bushido and 26.8 parry (which in RunUO is not possible).

I have found nothing in publishes or FoFs, but I have found this:

it's about one which can't raise parry over 30 because he has throwing... seems throwing blocks parry gains. He says also he tried "to lower bushido", so it's highly probable bushido still interferes with parry gainings.
Much likely, there are some calculations wrong, and not just bushido won't interfere with parry gainings anymore, but in all of this we have to deal with this...


"Why am I not getting GGS gains on Parrying?"
This question came from a long-term UO player - me. I'd been fighting a lot of lower-level critters - Lizardmen, Earthies, etc - putting together my Virtue suit, and realized I hadn't gotten so much as a single GGS gain - not only on the lower-end critters, but on the Ogre Lords and Drakes I'd tackled as well. That seemed odd, so I dragged Leurocian through the code with me to figure out why.​
Parrying is a difficulty-based skill, which means you have to be performing actions of a certain range of difficulty to have a chance to gain. There's an explanation of difficulty-based skills and skillgain here - Parrying, specifically, uses a focus of 100 instead of 50, but otherwise that description applies. The "difficulty" in this case is the monsters' percentage chance to hit you. (You can check out the hit chance formula here.)​
All math aside, if you're not getting Parrying skill gains (GGS or otherwise,) you're either fighting monsters that are too hard - in which case you need to reduce their chance to hit, by raising your own DCI or by using HLA gear - or too easy - in which case you can remove DCI/HLA gear or use a weapon you're less proficient in. In my case I just dropped my sword and let the earthie take a swing, and I got a gain right away.​
I don't know how's in OSI, but in RunUO is always like every other skill: if you have more than 0% to do a thing, you will gain until you reach 100%.

Which, we know, is not OSI-like in various skills where gaining depends by chance of success, not by chance of failure (if I recall correctly, taming)
Or you can just store Bushido in a soulstone, train Parrying, then draw Bushido back from the soulstone. Works just as well and you don't have to re-train anything.
This. Ever since red soulstones were introduced, I highly recommend EVERYONE get at least one or two for each account. They can make life SO much easier.

For my samurai, I trained parrying first; in my case I had the money to splash out for a 120 parry scroll before even starting, so I just had my smith craft a shadow iron shield, (for maximum durability) threw it on my would-be-samurai (who had 0 bushido them) ran around naked, aggro'd a bunch of lowly birds (who can't really do damage) then sat there while they attacked me. Tab out, come back a couple hours later, and have maxed skill. (and an almost-broken shield) Because of the massive durability drain, make sure to NOT be wearing armor you value while doing this: at most, give your character a suit of non-runic exceptional spined leather (or DC plate) to give them 70% physical resist if necessary.


Man. None of that matters. Put on a weapon. Get trash armor. Go to sheep stables. Attack them. Sit there with an auto heal macro running.
Boom GM parry within an hour or so.
You guys are over thinking it. Your Bushido skill doesn't even matter.


Man. None of that matters. Put on a weapon. Get trash armor. Go to sheep stables. Attack them. Sit there with an auto heal macro running.
Boom GM parry within an hour or so.
You guys are over thinking it. Your Bushido skill doesn't even matter.
WOW, opinion. My players are very into bushido. And would like for it to function correctly.


WOW, opinion. My players are very into bushido. And would like for it to function correctly.
Ah, you misunderstood me!
I meant if you have say 80 bushido
It doesn't effect the speed of your parry gains!
I'm all about Bushido as well!