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Music time in UO


Music time in UO

As we all know UO music is some of the most riveting out there, but now seriously, what do you guys usually listen to during ur playing? (basically whats ur genre or fav band, u find urself listenin to)
I usually let my Radiohead setlist play thru...
Maybe throw in some coldplay,
English bands = top


I usually listen to a wide range of music. Depends on the mood and what I'm doing in game. I'm a huge Van Halen fan but I also enjoy a little heavy metal every now and then bands like Metallica, Pantera, Megadeth and Damage Plan. I enjoy Coldplay and Radiohead too.

Sometimes I don't listen to music at all instead I toggle the screen on Windows Media player off the taskbar and watch cartoons and claymations such as Wallace and Gromit, The Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park and King of the Hill.
I usually listen to a classic rock radio station in Edmonton. It's easier than figuring out what to listen to, and it's some good tunes. As long as it's rock and roll I'm happy.


From Pink Floyd to A Perfect Circle, and all points in between.

(Ozzy, Sabbath, House Of Pain, Beastie Boys, Metallica, Motorhead, Bach, Beethoven, Insane Clown Posse, Green Jelly, David Bowie, Tool, Alice In Chains, Prodigy, Rob Zombie, Queensryche, Queen, Living To Die, Cowboy Mouth, Classic Ultima MIDIs, Rush, Collective Soul, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, Beatles, Cake, Jefferson Airplane, Eagles, Jethro Tull, Megadeth, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Offspring, Violent Femmes, White Stripes, Jet, Zebra, VoiVod, Tangerene Dream, Rammstein, Primus, Doko, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, etc)


Deepshade said:
As we all know UO music is some of the most riveting out there, but now seriously, what do you guys usually listen to during ur playing?
Duuuude, mes hablos es plan SEARCHas por la SEARCHula du cinqo de miao.


A perfect circle, tool, greenday, system of a down, lacuna coil, NIN, guns n roses, pantera, metallica.. well you get what I mean.

I also become addicted to the songs on anime series, like hellsing, naruto, bleach etc! Try listening to hellsings opening while playing uo.. its great!!!!

But lately Ive been going to the the tokuno lands, I put the speakers to the max.... the music is so pretty!!!!! especially the war mode one. I cant put it on a lot because while on war mode and trying to not die I start sweating, I get nervous, and my hands start to tremble as if the thrill you get when either pking or getting pked (trying to run for your life) . :eek: