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God's Holy Crusaders


God's Holy Crusaders

This is a RP guild, we are rping as crusaders against evil. We are looking for any new recruits, we are looking for healers, archers, melee guys, and mages. We are also an order guild. When we grow in numbers we will war the other "evil" guilds.


Feel free to template my custom church. It's NW of Yew MG, you can't miss it. I templated off the one found on stratics, etc.
Holy Crusader(HC) was my name! MINE MINE MINE. Anyways, I'd be willing to act as guild smithy and provide my cleric(scribe/heal) for the war against the orcs.


elias said:
This is a RP guild, we are rping as crusaders against evil. We are looking for any new recruits, we are looking for healers, archers, melee guys, and mages. We are also an order guild. When we grow in numbers we will war the other "evil" guilds.

Guild name? We will be waring you when I get back on shard.

~Savage Tribe


I have a character it for it. Make sure to list your guild on UOG's rp website at www.rpring.com/forum/

Where is this guild located?


Right now, our main guild house is an empty plot next to the Minoc moongate, we are trying to find a new base of operations, not too sure where though. We really would appreciate anyone willing to sell us a decent sized plot near Yew or Trinsic.


Yeah those are both two great towns for your type of guild. I would recommend you join the rpring channel on IRC. The Elves and are currently looking for a place to. Maybe you can ally and build somewhere together.


It's free and you download it at www.mirc.com

Once you downloaded it edit your server under options. Then connect and join channel Rpring and channel uogamers


We are still looking to recruit new members. You do not have to be a 7x to join, because we are willing to help train you up, in fact I think training would add to the rp.

What we are looking for has been listed up in the first post, just send me a pm, or contact me via msn or email at [email protected]. I am also on IRC, thanks to ZugZug's help.
I would like to join if only temporary..

I am swordsman, at least I hope to be a great one one day. However if the Almighty calls me to quest against the forces of evil then take my oath. I will fight with you if you will have my sword. I am a warrior of the Cross, a champion of the trinity and I swear as the Lord God lives that I will cleanse this land.


i was interested until i read your really goofy rules. im not going to run around in leather armor for 3 months because you're on a power trip


Its not three months, I never said "you have to run around in leather armor for three months." Rank depends on how well you do. More than likely if you're past the trainee level, you will be put in as a higher rank. Skill gain is fast, so basically you'll probably wearing decent armor within a few days.

You can ask the other guild members, I have not once abused my leadership position, I don't degrade anyone who is a trainee, in fact I help them more than I will fight if they ask for help. The only thing I ask of my guild members is that they follow the rules, and stay in character except in party and guild channels.

Shit, I don't even know you, its not like I'm going to be like "Hey, you want to join! Great, you get to be a general right off the bat!" Rank is earned, not given out like candy.