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Few questions about pvp.


So, I'm horrible at pvp, but still I'm raising my pvp char skills atm. I did read all of the pvp guides I found here, but was wondering about a few things that might be nice to know before we start to try dueling.

Fastcasting, someone explained it to me as waiting for ½sec after the spell is ready until you target it and cast the next one, but I seem to remember reading years back (probably from the e-tapion pvp guide that I cant find anymore), that it was something else than just waiting for casting delay to go away, so how is it done?

I tried spectating duels in game, but no one was dueling so I found some pvp videos from youtube, there was one from shinigami-sama, while I dislike 5x dueling I found his "UI" interesting, spell disrupts came with different color and there was a lot of spam "target queue cleared", I was told that I should not use target queue because it "works bad" or something, can I make it work better somehow?
I'm assuming from the look that he was using sallos/playuo client (which looks damn nice btw), I tested it but it only works with older client versions, I was running into invisible buildings in magincia and hues were wrong etc, so I updated the client and went back to razor, should I still use sallos for pvp?

I'm making a fence tankymage for my first pvp char because the idea of running with precasted explo and getting parahit for 5sec(?) and dumping a lot of dmg in that time sounds like easy enough pvp for my skill level, also its pretty much same chance as wrestle stun(?), but doesn't require stamina so I can do with less refresh pots.
With the delayed hit timer after equip how and what weapon should I use to make my combos more deadly, aside from precasting and starting with weapon swing?

When one day I get comfortable enough that I start to think about adding explo pots to combos, how do you use them? Do you have to make 2 buttons, one to click a random pot and then another to use last object?

Oh yes, how do you handle targeting? I find razor targeting hotkeys to be pretty crappy, even if I'm in the same guild and partyed it will still take my partymembers to target with "target closest enemy humanoid", if they have gone grey. Also they seem to cast precasted spell right at the target after pressing the button? I might have been mistaken, but it seemed so last time we were playing, not really nice if you want to stun before dropping the spell. :(

I think I can't ask much about spell combos because they are so flexible, pretty one only I know now is explo-explo-poison-mb-lightning, its pretty close to a kill I think, unless the spells resist. Obviously casting to parablowed or stunned target so they can't do much before its all done.
I saw a lot of flamestrikes too in the videos, I suppose from a scroll as a finisher or something?

- Thank you for all the answers.