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Evolution, Disprove it.


Re: Evolution, Disprove it.

i admit I stopped reading most of the posts here. I don't have the time for it while at work. sorry!


Re: Evolution, Disprove it.

Gouglew;2013912 said:
Both sides have explanations, but there is a major problem with the religious point of view from a scientific standpoint. The main goal of science is to make predictions about the natural world. If I make a prediction it can either be right or wrong. If I make a prediction which is not falsifiable (like "God did it.") than I will not be able to make further predictions from what I learned (since I did not learn anything at all). To generate new knowledge, the scientific method must be followed and since god can not be described with the laws of nature any hypothesis containing god disqualifies itself from scientific debate.

You cant have a scientific debate and argue for religion, nor can you have a religious debate and argue for science. They are two different things that are examined different ways. Also who's to say what god did cant be proven, there is a book out there explaining tons of events written by tons of people, its a historical text which contains value of some kind or else it wouldn't still be such a popular religion.

Gouglew;2013912 said:
As stated above the the only purpose of the religious point of view is closure. From a scientific point of view, closure is the worst thing that can possibly happen since closure means stagnation. Science wants to learn new things and every single scientific theory must be falsifiable.

Which is true if your a scientist, but normal people living everyday lives dont try to constantly learn about evolution or most things other than whats relevent to them. If you wanna study this then go ahead but for everyone else, a simple reasonable enough answer needs to be given to live happy full lives before and while we die.

Gouglew;2013912 said:
People nitpick from religious texts what they like and ignore what they don't like. You picked the stuff about loving your neighbor etc. but ignored the passages which allow slavery, genocide in gods name, rape, human sacrifice, .... it goes on like that.

Lests start with......you just nitpicked yourself.....

I didnt nitpick and i didnt ignore. Yes im sure if you read something and interpret it wrong it can mean horrible things, and yes i know of passages that include morally corrupt things. But right now if you go to Church is the preacher going to come up and say, "Ok everyone, we're losing members, so i need all of you to go out and convert everyone, those who dont join you must kill", etc. No of course not, hes going to tell you to be kind, forgiving, golden hearted people. Another example: if you were to listen to someones prayer right now, do you think it would be about Hurting Someone/themselves or Helping Someone/themselves.

Gouglew;2013912 said:
If half the testable things in the Bible are proven wrong, half of the morals delivered are considered to be not contemporary any more and if the Bible openly contradicts itself than all of it must be discarded as irrelevant like a scientific theory would.

How can you test half the things in the bible, no one is God and no one was around during the time of Jesus that is alive today.

Gouglew;2013912 said:
If you draw positive things from your believe that it is fine with me, but you have to realize that some people draw very negative things from their believes and hurt people without any rationality behind it.

Agreed, but thats the thing is its all about interpretations. You interpret the bible as something false and worthless. I interpret the bible as something holy, and valuable. Same goes for evolution though, some interpret it as complete bullshit, and some may think its the most ingenious thing ever.


Re: Evolution, Disprove it.

Prophet-;2014472 said:
You cant have a scientific debate and argue for religion, nor can you have a religious debate and argue for science. They are two different things that are examined different ways. Also who's to say what god did cant be proven, there is a book out there explaining tons of events written by tons of people, its a historical text which contains value of some kind or else it wouldn't still be such a popular religion.

Religion has no place in science there I have to agree with you. In my opinion, faith should be held up to the same standard as knowledge. I can not believe in anything that openly contradicts itself, endorses questionable morals or does not withstand scientific inquiry.
The bible does not offer proof. It does not withstand scientific inquiry, the sources are questionable and there is no proof of authenticity. You can nitpick positive values out of the bible but these are meaningless in context. You could take your values from Star Trek episodes and be just as credible.

God is not falsifiable. Whatever scientists determine, religious figures will always claim, that god does not want to be measured because god is about faith and since he is all powerful he is able to manipulate the measurement to return a negative result. Likewise are religious leaders trying to encapsulate science by claiming "Whatever is determined by scientist is that way because god made it that way.". How would you refute such a statement?

Prophet-;2014472 said:
Which is true if your a scientist, but normal people living everyday lives dont try to constantly learn about evolution or most things other than whats relevent to them. If you wanna study this then go ahead but for everyone else, a simple reasonable enough answer needs to be given to live happy full lives before and while we die.

Evolution can be very relevant to you even if you don't care about it. There are tons of medication and medical treatments which have been made possible through evolutionary science.

Prophet-;2014472 said:
Lests start with......you just nitpicked yourself.....

I didnt nitpick and i didnt ignore. Yes im sure if you read something and interpret it wrong it can mean horrible things, and yes i know of passages that include morally corrupt things. But right now if you go to Church is the preacher going to come up and say, "Ok everyone, we're losing members, so i need all of you to go out and convert everyone, those who dont join you must kill", etc. No of course not, hes going to tell you to be kind, forgiving, golden hearted people. Another example: if you were to listen to someones prayer right now, do you think it would be about Hurting Someone/themselves or Helping Someone/themselves.

It's not about interpretation. It is about the actual literal word. If you do not ignore 2.Chronicles 15:13 than you're beyond help.

2.Chronicles 15:13
That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

There ARE preachers which tell followers to kill. Fortunately that is not a mainstream phenomenon.
I'm not accusing every religious person of being evil.

Prophet-;2014472 said:
How can you test half the things in the bible, no one is God and no one was around during the time of Jesus that is alive today.

Here are three examples of the things I previously mentioned:
Testable predictions:
Adam names all animals in a day; It would take considerably longer to name millions of different species...
God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth; Obviously not true either.
Jacob displays his (and God's) knowledge of biology by having goats copulate while looking at streaked rods. The result is streaked baby goats.; I shit you not, this is actually in the bible (Genesis 30:37-39)

Questionable morals
Proverbs 29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight
Deuteronomy 12:2 Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

Proverbs 3:13
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Ecclesiastes 1:18
For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow.

Psalm 144:1
Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
2 Thessalonians 3:16
The Lord of peace himself give you peace always.

Jesus speaking:
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Matthew 10:34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Prophet-;2014472 said:
Agreed, but thats the thing is its all about interpretations. You interpret the bible as something false and worthless. I interpret the bible as something holy, and valuable. Same goes for evolution though, some interpret it as complete bullshit, and some may think its the most ingenious thing ever.

I hold both up to the same standard. If evolution contradicted itself, or if evidence existed which refutes it, than it should be discarded or adapted.


Re: Evolution, Disprove it.

You know what forget it, im happy with my beliefs, fictional or not.

Now on to the next important topic

Gouglew do you even play uo?
Re: Evolution, Disprove it.

Prophet-;2014651 said:
You know what forget it, im happy with my beliefs, fictional or not.

Now on to the next important topic

Gouglew do you even play uo?
