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(completed) Halloween Poetry Contest

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(completed) Halloween Poetry Contest

This is a very simple contest. Only 1 winner will be named and entries will be judged by staff.

Reply to this message with an ORIGINAL poem themed for Halloween (not just autumn). At the end of your poem, please include your game character's name.

There is no rule on length, style, or pentameter, just remember I have the attention span of a gnat and would prefer to not read the Illiad of Halloween.

Do NOT reply to this thread with questions or comments. If you do, your message will be deleted. Repeat offenders (meaning more than once) will be given a 3 day forum ban. If you have questions or comments, please post them to the Halloween Contests Questions thread in the events forum.

Entries must be in by Tuesday, October 28th, midnight EST. This thread will be closed on deadline. Judging will take place the 29th and 30th.

Good Luck!
Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

It was a frigid, bitter and aphotic Hallow's Eve.

T'was the night of the Devil, do not, be decieved.

He would create a fantasy, before your eyes.

To keep your soul frozen, with his own lies.

Through the land of Sosaria, he corrupted our mind's.

For this is the evening, Lucifer truly shines.

He would masquerade through Luna, identity unknown.

Wearing an Orc Mask, for his face could not be shown.

Nobody would think twice, about the mask he wore.

For the following day was Halloween, and there were sure, to be more.

He would whisper slowly, into your ear.

"Be deceitful, vexacious, onerous, and cause fear!"

He had recruited his minions, days in advance.

The vampires heeded his call, and entered his trance.

He searched the land, in pursuit of a crew.

Ken Kaniff, Klael, and Lypsyl, just to name a few.

There were others who followed, wishing to conjoin.

To share in his evil, and become the fruit of his loins.

What there was to follow, was a massacre indeed.

The vampires took no prisoners, while everyone tried to flee.

While they ravaged Felucca, and destroyed every single town.

Lucifer sat unknown in Luna, wearing his evil crown.

While manipulating the weak minded, and employing a force

An aura of malevolence was in the air, and on it's course.

Even the young citizens of the world, were ransacking every town.

For Luna was in shambles, with everything being thrown around!

The man responsible, hiding behind a mask.

Discovering his true identity would surely be a task.

But with his very own city, being awakuna matata by the dead

He stood in the middle of it, just LAUGHING OFF HIS HEAD!


© paragon dancer [Zen.] 2008

I hope you enjoyed it! :D


Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

Oh listen to the sounds of the floors, creaking with disgust across the moors.
Smell the brains and lot, brewed tastily inside the witch's pot.
Look upon the dead and the ghastly, whom were ripped apart rather nastly.
Feel the tingly and cold, as you slip into misery that's never been told.
Devour the flesh and the soul, paying homage to the demons toll.
And always remember to kill in a duo, And join me On halloween to play UO.

Kentoro ;)


Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

It's that time of year
When things get scary, :eek:
Strange sounds you hear
Be it ghoul or fairy? :rolleyes:

In the dead of night
Walking alone, do not tarry!
Shadows give you a fright?
Relax! it's only Bloody Mary ;)

This poem doesn't cut it?
..was thinkin quick on my feet :(
Hmmm.. to make up for it
I'll page Crimson.. TRICK OR TREAT!


- poetry attempt, by Bloody Mary
Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

The children are running now.

When they should be fast asleep

Knocking on forbidden doors.

Screaming "Where are my sweets!?"

This time only comes once.

Once, only, a year!

Where the littlest of flesh and souls have naught to fear.

But the adults tonight, oh they are afraid!

For the mischievous children as they parade.

In groups of four holding eggs with determination.

"Fire!" they scream and let go without hesitation!

"The trees!" the leader yells, holding a roll of white.

Then like a ribbon it dances and curls around the branches tight.

"Did you see that! Did you see that egg splatter!"

The other child screamed with delight.

"Yes and that's why the window shattered!"

The older child said with a minor fright.

Then the night lit up in a rave of blue and red.

Children scurrying like mice who have not been fed and left for dead!

Oh, but the other children.

The innocenct are still walking among these darkened streets.

Their sacks full of sweetly things to eat.

Their bellies bulging and chocolate around their lips.

Admiring the unique-ness of Halloween potato-chips.

But soon these children will be fast asleep.

Tossing and turning in their hyper-active sleep.

Screaming other things that do not involve sweets.

This is the time where true nightmare's are unleashed.

Deep in the mind of a child's chocolaty sleep.



Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

We come to serve, awoke we did from our slumber but yet we dream.

Trapped in a cage of flesh, behind bars of bone we linger.

Striving to be free, our endeavour to be in control, our struggle to eat.

With taunting whispers we make our voice heard, with silver tongues smooth as a lambs fur.

Concealing the ideal, we lie and cheat, for on your flesh we'd like to feast.

- Nicholas Kincaid


Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

One day a year. As the tenth month dies,
and the winter is well on its way.
A cold wind blows, rustling leaves across the sky.
Causing scarecrows to dance and to sway.

This is my night, one I wish for the most.
After waiting long days and dull weeks.
With the moon rising high on this cold New England coast.
Casting shadows to frighten the meek.

My kitchen is ready, filled with delicious foul things,
that would turn the stomachs of man.
But one thing is missing that this evening will bring.
A final piece to complete my devious plan.

They come to my door dressed in costumes quite grand,
making mock of the heritage I hold dear.
Carrying bags full of sweets clutched in fat little hands.
Laughing joyfully as they draw near.

"She is rumored a witch!"They whisper and call
as they step up to my welcoming door.
But I bat not an eye and my smile doesn't fall,
betraying nothing that I have in store.

Catching is simple. One just lures them in,
with a well placed spell here and there.
I take but a few. Then the real fun begins
as I kill, cook, and leave nothing to spare.

Though the night is long the dawn soon draws nigh,
and the work is finally through.
My pantry is full and the magic is high,
as the day of all saints starts anew.
The children will be mourned, but they'll soon forget.
Of that I make carefully sure.
Still the stories will be told, the legend won't quit,
and the fear will still taint the pure.



Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

In the dead of night,
I walked down an empty street,
When I turned around,
A stranger was facing me,
I could not see his face,
Covered by a hooded robe,
He reaked of death,
Blood, and gore.
I looked around, the street changing shape,
Looking back at the stranger who revealed, he was Scarface,
In his hand, he held a hammer,
And muttered behind his vicious grin, "I know what you did last summer!"
The street still changing shape,
Realizing I was dreaming,
Scarface's horrifying laughter growing louder,
I screamed, running as fast as I can.
It feels so real,
There's no explanation,
Unable to pray,
I pace in a daze.
Slowing to a stop,
I turn and stare,
No one is there,
For Scarface has dissapeared,

Placing a hand onto my forehead,
Believing it to be over,
I wish I had not drunk so much,
Only to realize there is a knife, slicing my throat,
Falling to the ground,
My screams are gargled,
Scarface stands there grinning,
As I impact the ground.
Breathing slows,
Body won't respond,
Scarface kneels down,
And speaks in a low tone,
"This is Halloween,"
"This is yours, his, and my town,"
"If you don't know what I mean,"
"Stand up, so he can bring you down."
"When you wake up and remember this shit,"
"Tell everyone you know,"
"That I am Scarface,"
"And I'm back in town!"

DeaTh and Halloween By : SirSoTaM
Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

Its haloween and throught the sky, withces on there broomsticks fly
As autumn leaves begin to scatter, ghouls and goblins come out to chatter
As cauldrons hiss, boil and bubble, you can be sure it all spells trouble

Shakespeare eat your heart out. by Raziel


Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

The death of the past.....

Turmoil fills my soul as I think back,
On what is past....the far off place, down the lonely road--
Only trees, sky, tires to accompany you on the way...
To a past which disappears whenever I turn my back...
A past like the sound of a tree in a wood with no one around.
Death-like the past when I think on present,
on future.
Death-like the past which I desperately want, need with me.
Pain masked by nothing rises up and defeats the mind.
Pain masked by nothing will be my mask now and forever
as past escapes my present. as past runs. Free of me.
Free of the one who needs it, and free to kill.
To kill me.

darkdark poem:p

char name is Kloverz


Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

Samhain, All Hallows Eve or Night of the Dead.
Call it what you will, Halloween is a night of dread.
The dead roam the earth for good or for ill.
Beware that sound at your window sill.

Scritches and scratches coming from claws.
They want to drag you into their maws.
Thyey Hunger for your flesh and blood.
Their bodies covered in the mud.

Of thousands of years.
And millions of tears.
Those of the living.
All taking and giving.

Candies or sweets.
And Tricks or treats.
Will change hands all night long.
Until the witching hour sounds like a gong.

It is now time to hide.
Or get a free ride.
To place with a strange smell.
To my house...welcome to hell!

Hannah Montana

Ekse Buddha

Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

Halloween Poetry Contest 2008
Ekse Buddha

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse,
For the end of October brought a series of Oust’s
Left little children deceased in their house.

Twas the Horseman, of All Hallows Eve,
Who rode in unabated, Baring a Stave,
He whistled and lunged and Sent all to their Grave,
With a Mare of Night, and a lonely Slave.

His Slave known as Eby, who Wore Valorite Chains,
And Buried the dead, whilst eating their Brains.
But amongst the feast, of Juicy Cerebrum,
He stumbled upon a most unique one,
It belonged to a mage, who we’ll call John Doe
Whom even in death, could not quite let go,
He wiggled and twitched and with a flick of his wrist,
Eby was gone (Should’ve GM’d Resist)

And arose from the ground, a legend of a mage,
Who Cursed the Death Rider, with a passionate Rage.
He cast a spell, not known to these parts,
Which Severed his head, and ripped out his heart,
The rider revealed, as a puny-ass twip,
With the letters a-e-i-own you across his hip.

He was defeated, a great day at last,
John Doe, rode into the sunset with a beautiful lass…..

And Then….

Ekse Buddha ><><><><John Doe=Dead

The End


Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

Pumpkins and sweets
Kids with their mums shouting...


Pontauban (for the attention span of a gnat).


Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

BAD Halloween

There was a guild called BAD
Their leader was Pont, who was mad.
Yet once a year
Even Pont lived in fear
Because Halloween made him feel sad

Cos Pont like to be naked you see
But everyone dresses up for all hallows eve
As a ghost, witch or cat
Or a black flying bat
But Pont had nothing up his sleeve

So Anna and Lottie gave a sigh
And Carlton looked at the darkened sky
Suddenly Pont had an idea!
And ran of with a cheer
And came back dressed as a Pumpkin Pie!

Re: Halloween Poetry Contest

October 31 1990

So, do you remember the quarry that night?
And the sly patch of darkness, darker than the rest.
The cold stiffening the shiver in your fingertips and the painful air
Grasping to be in you and through you and somewhere else.
Making the barbed wire sing.

Do you remember the quarry that night?
And the black shape, slinking up the wall to the crest.
The rain solid noise on the water below and your wild stare
Pleading to be please please please God anywhere else.
Making a joke of the whole thing.

You remember the quarry that night?
And the two crafty red slits, and your heart in your chest.
The blood beating out this time and this place and whether you dare
Turn away from the edge and run live be somebody else.
Hearing school bells ring.

I Remember the quarry that night.
And the shifting shadow on the cliff, and your eyes and my test.
The half turn - did you slip? - silent and rigid and my hand reaching out there
Too late to catch you or your fear before losing someone else.
Making bitter tears sting.

Benjo 2008
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