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Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not click.)

Smoking pot has 0 Postive things for the body. While Walking if performed RIGHT has 100% Positive effect and extremly low Negative..


Imroadkill2 said:
Smoking pot has 0 Postive things for the body. While Walking if performed RIGHT has 100% Positive effect and extremly low Negative..

Some reads:
(I'd post more from some scholarly journals, but I am currently not at school so I dont have access to their database).


There are also studies out there that deal w/ ADD and marijuana also.

Im not advocating the use of marijuana, nor do I smoke it anymore.
This is also not to say bad things do not come from over use of marijuana, but read more before you claim it has 0 positive effects(although some are relative).


lordsatan said:
I believe marijuana should continue to be illegal for the following reasons....
No narcotic substance has ever or should ever be legalized no matter its physical effects.
What effects would its legalization have on the local, state, and federal areas of government?
What effects would its legalization have on the state, and federal economy?
Would its legalization raise or lower current crime rates?
What actual benefits would its legalization hold, asides from medical usage?


Marijuana is not a narcotic by true definition.

And also, as I work for the main office of the DOC of WI and interacting with many many officers and agents on a day to day basis that the number of crimes(atleast in our state as a whole) are slim to none.

There are of course numerous crimes dealing with drugs, but nearly all of them are only regarding possession.
Of the crimes that are committed while high on a drug, marijuana is a "in a blue moon" type occurence.
Alcohol by far outnumbers any of the "drug related" crimes that are investigated, followed by coke.

When we speak with officers and one mentions about being cautious because someone smokes marijuana, we often poke fun at the officer. Not out of disrespect, but everyone knows that a pothead(not one who is a dealer, or deep into the drug ring) is usually pretty harmless. We jokingly ask them if they're afraid of the offender taking their twinkie or resisting arrest by asking to take a nap in the backseat of the squad.

Drugs, are of course, a problem. Anything when used beyond excess causes problems. Add in psychological issues, and yes, things can get out of hand. A good majority of people only casually use it.

Believe it or not, many people in the system think that legalizing marijuana would not be a terribly bad thing. They believe it would cut work load in the end and a few rings would shut down since things would could be obtained legally. Who actually knows the true results unless it was ever implemented.

PS: Let me also say, that this country has a very FU(KED up judicial system whereas someone can get 10 years in prison for dealing marijuana, and a sexual offender with a string of victims can/often-gets 2 years on supervision.


i'm sorry for the late responce but i just saw the thread. i'm from greece so i don't really know US from inside so forgive any mistakes i may do. also english is not my birth language and i may not be able to axpress myself as i would or as i should. i also want to point out that i don't want to insult anyone and if someone feel insulted please post back to clarify the matter.

i can't say much about US health care but i want to point out that it should be a right! everyone should be in a position to have himself cured with no charge at all. someone (i don't remember who, but i think banana boy also claimed that) said that work should give some bonuses, health care is not one of them, please we speak about peoples' lives here. in my country we have a pretty sh!tty health system (and this is not it's ony flaw) but everyone has a right to it and it seems outrageous to be any other situation. let's not forget the first of the may.

about weed i cannot say much because i don't have enough facts but it seems illogical to me to have a goverment saying it should be illigal because it is bad for peoples' health and at the same time there are tons of ciggaretts and alcochol in each city. maybe they also should make junk food illegal.

And lastly about power. I think everyone can see that US is overpowered, but let me tell some things about me. I am a white male in my early 20s. i study physics in university. i would say i'm in the middle class without financial problems. my parents are a bit of patriots with loose ties to religion. i myself don't believe in god, country, flag or army. i wrote this because i didn't want people to make false assumptions about me.

so about US. lets take as example cosovo (i'm not sure about the spelling). US, trying to defend the albanians, bombed the entire area. i've seen bombed hospitals, schools and hotels. i think there there were used about 200k of tomahawks. a professor of mine did a research there and found uranium polution (not the redioactive type, but it still causes major health problems). and when all these came to an end US gave loan and US corporations work there to rebuild what was destroyed. this is at least a strange way to insure freedom and democracy.

what happend to iraq? US gave to sadam the chance to make him dictator and about 20 years later after a worldly anti-arab atmosphere, trashed iraq so it can be rebuilt in "peace" and the people will live happilly ever after. the same situation happend with osama, whom US provided him with weapons in order to defend his country from the russians.

i don't want to go into details about the war in iraq and what i've seen on news here and my opinion about US army's opinion about human rights but i will only say it is low.

banana boy you are right to feel there is a need to defend your country after the atrocity of 9/11but what caused that? do you think that just like that some mad arabs brainwashed some other arabs to blow themselves in some planes?

the word freedom is commonly used in this thread but what is freedom? is a bankrubbed country? are it's citizens free? am i free? when is someone free? is someone who can find noway to feed himself or his children free? can he choose a decent life? a decent job? do do you thin such a man can claim his rights as a human?

it is quite simple consept but i think many fail to see it. US is one of the biggest, if not the gigger weapon producer worldly. US goverment spends enormous sums of money to produce weapons. so when you have such an investment you must use it. these righteous and liberal wars serve as a great advertisment that comes with two great bonuses, investment to poorer countries and making a display of power of course.

why US is backing up israel with their atrocities against their "terrorists" defeing UN at the same time? what i'm trying to say is that there is no room for humanism in politics and will never be. i once saw on a wall: "fighting for peace is like f#cking for virginity".

i propably shouldn't write that but i cannot help myself

Imroadkill2 said:
Yes I am American, Yes I am Biases, because well all know the truth. AMERICAN stand up for wat they believe and dont take S H I T from anyone. We will never EVER worry about being over ran or have a goverment that has FULL control of are lives, because United We Stand, we will always take care of the world and push for equal rights for EVERYONE. Canada looks out for themselves and lets Millions of people die from a cruel ruler while they sit and some Weed.. America, we liberate people and allow them to have the same goverment that we have. That is POWER IS DIVIDED EQUALLY.. ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY!!

man! what happend to you? people like you make rulers happy and that's an insult. "We will never EVER worry about being over ran or have a goverment that has FULL control of are lives"!!!! do you dream of becoming a robot. i'm terriffied in the idea that you have the right to vote, i'm sorry but i'm saying the truth.

what i'm trying to say is too long to write it down but please watch fight club and then think of someone scratching your car, if you still cannot see what i'm saying then i cannot explain it.

closing i should say all these are just my perpsectives on the situations i don't think that i am objective but i think i try to be. any comment is wellcome
duxwig said:
Some reads:
(I'd post more from some scholarly journals, but I am currently not at school so I dont have access to their database).


There are also studies out there that deal w/ ADD and marijuana also.

Im not advocating the use of marijuana, nor do I smoke it anymore.
This is also not to say bad things do not come from over use of marijuana, but read more before you claim it has 0 positive effects(although some are relative).

That is Medical Weed.. Not the stuff you buy off the street.. MAJOR difference...


Re: Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not click.)

DementedJester said:
As well thought out and argued that was... Your opinion is automatically void when talking about America becuase you're both American and in the Military... Your opinion is always going to biased by your patiotic attitude and way of thinking.
I'm not saying it's bad to be patriotic, i'm just saying that you really can't get a clear picture unless you're looking at things unobjectively.

So then in the same respect we could say your point is automatically void, because you have no personal experienced with both sides of the fence allowing you your objective look!


Re: Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not clic

wizzer said:
So then in the same respect we could say your point is automatically void, because you have no personal experienced with both sides of the fence allowing you your objective look!
Wow, nice job digging up an old thread and replying to the second post of 11 pages of month's old posts.

GG Narb.


Re: Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not click.)

I'm sorry to join this discussion so much after the fact, but I just recently came across this. A couple of things I would like to add.

There are pro's and con's to every argument. ilovestar by the way the url you gave for the Patriot Act is not the Patriot Act, but a rather biased media viewpoint. It was an irritation that you listed it falsely.

I am also in the military. I retire in 11 months. I am 53 and spent as long in the civilian work force, as I did in the military. I also have been over in the Gulf since the beginning. In fact I spent two, 3 year tours over there. Yes 6 years of my life seeing for myself what it was like over there. And no Saddam did not attack us. But the entire time he was under U.S. sanctions, he was caught trying to smuggle Nuclear components and items for chemical weapons into his country. We do not know for a fact who his target would have been if successful. But I am comfortable knowing he could not use them against anyone.

And true he never was found with the weapons of mass destruction that Busch said he had. Be we never found one single SCUD missle either. And that was his weapon of choice during the first Gulf War. I was there, I saw losts of them! And we know he had chemical weapons, because he used them on his own people as shown on public TV on 60 minutes.

Since the first Gulf War, we stood down our military posture somewhat, with the agreement that Saddam would implement the U.N. Resolutions imposed on him. For the next several years, he had never lived up to His agreement. I was there. I saw with my own eyes.

I also saw how he treated his people, and honored his word. So according to what I've seen and experienced over a six year period, I would say yes we did the right thing. And I have had two sons serve over in the Gulf as well, so I can speak as a concerned parent too. And just because I am in the military, does not mean my opinion is void. I do not agree with everything the government says, as do other military members I know. Or just as ilovestar doesn't seem to either.

I have seen and experienced it both ways. In the military, and as a civilian. I would think that unless you can say that, you may not truely be able to be objective. How many here have actually seen what it is like over there in the Gulf?

And as for the healthcare issue, I think corporate America is in great part responsible for a lot (not all) who do not have healthcare. Many big employers like State Government agencies find it cheaper to hire several part-time or temporary employees, as opposed to fulltime that are entitled to the expensive benefits packages. As an example the Colorado State Hospital would hire us painters for 6 months at a time instead of fulltime. Then they did not have to provide the benefits that the fulltime employees get.

Profits are the driving force behind lots of issues here today, healthcare is just one of them. As far as Socialized medicine is concerned, don't think that this is the ideal remedy either. The military already has a socialized medicine program. And many of it's patients feel the quality is somewhat lacking compared to the civilian sector. A common complaint in the military waiting room is, "civilians don't have to put up with this!" There is no such thing as a malpractice suit in the military. How many people would be willing to give up that before a surgical procedure?

And something everyone may forget also. How would a Socialized Medicine Program affect the Healthcare Providers? In a Social Medicine Program would they be paid by effort and skill like they are now? How would you like being a doctor on a salary? Would you tolerate being told how much you can be paid and how long to work? And how will you like it, after you as a paitent have been sick, and sitting there waiting longer in line to be seen? This is likely because there are more people there now because everyone would have it, and use it regardless of urgency.

When the doctors and nurses have reached the end of their work day, are they allowed to go home when their time is up like other civilians do? Even though you may have been waiting there for over an hour/s? Or will they be forced to stay and finish the daily task no matter how long it takes like the military is required to do?

And the comparison of the soldier and civilian housing and utilities cost, I'm surprised to see that from a former soldier. If you are a former Officer in the Army, I forget that Officers can be a bit priviledged at times. A fair comparison would be between an Army Officer and a CEO or Plant Manager.

An enlisted soldier however, is comparable to a factory or construction worker. Big difference. For that $0 rent and utilities, there is a big price to pay. Time away from family months to a year at a time. My longest was 2 years. Standing watches. Yes after you worked all day, you may sometimes leave work, to go stand a watch for another 8 hours. You may be shot at. Police can relate to this, but how many other civilians can?

And military enlisted don't go home when the work day ends, they usually go home when the necessary work is done, however long it takes. Be attached to any Naval Squadron and you will understand what I mean when a plane is broke down. And you do not get any overtime like civilians do. And as a civilian the more qualified I got, the more money or reward I got. In the military, the more qualified you get the more invaluable you are. And thus the less they can do without you there.

But during all this comparison, don't forget that the same civilian jobs are paid anywhere from 50 to 200% more than the military. Example: an E-5 of four years service computer network manager I know, makes about $2,000 a month including all those benefits. My old roomate who got out a couple years ago got an entry level job at $65k, and now 3 years later, he is making over 100k. Total time in job comparable between the two.

So when you compare the military benefits and pay to the civilian world, you are comparing apples and watermelons.

To finish I would say I disagree and agree with points of both arguments. I've been in both shoes, and seen both sides of the fence. But neither is completely right or completely wrong.


Re: Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not click.)

In the end, it all boils down to "Where do we draw the line?" in just about every situation/argument.

I win.
Re: Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not click.)

breakyourarmor said:
In the end, it all boils down to "Where do we draw the line?" in just about every situation/argument.

I win.

(I cant believe someone pulled this back up.)

Giving an obvious, 1 sentince response to pages of debate definately doesnt make you a "winner". Those that "won" are those that read what was said and achieved a greater understanding of the situation. You dont have to change how you think, but to understand how someone else thinks.



Re: Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not click.)

the Banana Man said:
(I cant believe someone pulled this back up.)

Giving an obvious, 1 sentince response to pages of debate definately doesnt make you a "winner". Those that "won" are those that read what was said and achieved a greater understanding of the situation. You dont have to change how you think, but to understand how someone else thinks.

I read the whole thread last night, thanks. Someone else bumped this topic and i saw it, and posted on it, obviously.

I did, however, "achieve a greater understanding of the situation" from both sides, and thought it was a very good and insightful read. Like i said, even under your terms, I win.
Re: Common misconceptions about our country... (Long. Immature players need not click.)

breakyourarmor said:
I read the whole thread last night, thanks. Someone else bumped this topic and i saw it, and posted on it, obviously.

I did, however, "achieve a greater understanding of the situation" from both sides, and thought it was a very good and insightful read. Like i said, even under your terms, I win.
Under my terms, most people win. You posting a phrase that ends in "every argument/situation" adds nothing to the conversation. It's like talking about a sporting event and say "Well, the team with the highest score always wins". We got it. We know it. It doesnt need to be said.
