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anouther sallos problem


anouther sallos problem

i get this every time i try to run sallos.exe

sallos.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Sevices

Application has generated an exception that could not be handled

process id=0x3908 (14600), Thread id=0x1ab0 (6832)

click ok to terminate the application
click cancel to debug the application

(so i click cancel)

Registered JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in a error code of 0x2 (2). please check computer settings

cordbg.exe !a 0x3908

click retry to have the process wait while attaching a debugger manually
click cancel to abort JIT debug request

so wtf do i do i got the downlaod froma friend and dunno if it was the right download so can anyone give me a link to the right one