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A reminder



A reminder

A reminder to everyone:

Never, EVER give out your password to ANYONE. Even if you trust them, don't give it to them. UOGamers staff will never ask you for your password, they don't need your password to refresh your house (make them a friend to do that).

We've had a number of people lost their items because they invariably GAVE someone else their password. Don't do it.

Oh, and also, don't forget to use the a differnt name/password on each shard if you do play on servers other than the UOGamers ones. There ARE shards out there that are created for the sole purpose to attempt to steal passwords.
Good tip that I always keep in mind: I've always worried when playing another shard that some creepy Admin is trying to use that same info. to log into my UOG accounts :) Luckily they are all different combinations.
he should be banned, thats the definition of a low life, not only does he ruin the game for someone else, but he feels it is cool to brag about it. Good luck getting somewhere in life acting like that.

Lee (PkU)

Yea, Thats pretty lame to loot someone's account when they give you info anyway. That is what people try to do to earn trust sometimes. I have made several friends via Ultima Online when I used to play and have even traveled to meet them IRL. My brother did the same and its jerks who take advantage of this that make so many people paranoid to give ANY information out on the internet. People are people anywhere you go, and I guess it is rare to find someone who will not just scam you.


Paranoia said:
All of you people on moral trips trying to judge others really just all need to stfu.
it is not a matter of trying.
there are some issues that you shouldn't judge people on, like religion and political veiw points. this is because people don't choose these for themselfs (more often then not.) they are usually the veiws of their parents or role models, and people learn them through operant conditioning.
cheating is not one of those veiw points that is debatable, it is learned through practice. NO ONE IS EVER ENCOURAGED TO CHEAT!!! you learn it through not learning from your mistakes, and always trying to take the path of the least resistance.

why would you try to defend cheating on a game forum?
is it because you need validation because you don't really beleive what you are doing is right?
what is the end goal of cheating on a game like this?
once you cheat to get everything you want, is the game even worth playing?
what is the use of playing an open ended game like this if not to waste time and have fun?


Someone who quit uo gamers back in June of 04' gave me two of their accounts. Turns out he decided to give someone on the shard he was playing at the time my account and passwords in exchange for some stuff on their shard. So it never occured to me to get my password changed because hey, why would a friend do that to you? Well anyway i have been tryign to get my passwords changed for over two weeks now, ever since it happend. Still waiting for an admin to log on. Thank god i had the majority of all my items out on my account that i made for myself. Moral of the story is that when it comes to uo, unless you know the person irl you cant trust anyone. Might be different for a lot of people but anyone i talked to in the same situation at one point in their uo career has agreed with me on that one.


Took me 3 weeks to get a password change on ONE account....I have 13 accounts all with good shit on them and great chars....all with the same pass and username is the same just numbered at end 1 2 3 lol

I would like to change my passwords every month, but concidering it takes 3 weeks I doubt thats going to happen.