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A Message Nailed on Brits' Bank Wall


A Message Nailed on Brits' Bank Wall

Unto all Mages, Knights and Sell Swords of Sosaria, I beg for your help. My name is Aeribus of Skara Brea, a simple herder and tamer of animals but I ask not for me but for my sister Alicia.
We seek a hearty group of adventurers to protect her upon her travels, from Skara Brea to the City of Sacrifice, Minoc.
She will be traveling to the city on pilgrimage, and needs someone to protect her along the long road, from Orcs, Ettins, and the Unsavory highwaymen lurking throughout the land.
She can’t use the Moongates for travel, a vow made to the Gods of Virtue, so a group will have to escort her through the heart of Sosaria, keeping her life and Virtues intact.
We do not have much to offer but what we have I offer freely, a small bag of coin, horses, and our eternal gratitude.
If anyone is interested please let me know by leaving a message here.
Thank Ye


Re: A Message Nailed on Brits' Bank Wall

Kell twitched and squirmed on the huge bone throne awaiting his visitor. How he hated this seat and this room, to large and uncomfortable for his liking but on this day he knew its symbolism was unmistakable.
The Door to the hall opens as the Orcs lead in the visitor.
Already nervous and suspicious the man upon seeing who summoned him rushes the throne and prostrates himself before the General.
“My lord, how can I be of assistance? I am…”
“Silence!” General Kell yells stopping the man from his blubbering. For a moment he considered feeding the thief to his pet dragon but dismisses the thought knowing he would only cause Pyrex indigestion. “You have some information for me? About the girl?”
“Yes…yes “ the thief stammers. “ She resides in Skara Brea. Her brother looks adventures to escort her to Minoc.”
So she moves out of the protection of the guards Kell thinks to himself. “And you are sure it is her?”
“Yes General. I have seen with my own eyes, it is the one you seek.”
So close Kell thinks. Belthos must me informed. “Spread the word, I want this girl brought to me alive! Coins are no object. Send the word forth to your brethren of thieves highwaymen orcs any who wish a grand reward. I want this girl!.”
“Yes Master, by your command… But why doesn‘t she travel by Moongate?”
General Kell looked upon him like one would look upon a child.” Because my men await at most the gates, awaiting unsuspecting travelers. Also my master would sense her presence using the corridors of magic and would corrupt any gate to bring her straight to him, and she knows this. Hence I need you and your kind to hunt her out for me. Now go Terrell”
“We will find her Master.” The man promised as he backed his way out the anti chamber, bowing the whole breath of the hall.
Now alone General Kell pondered the information. Could they be so close, after all these years.

OOC: I want to do a little RP adventure for anyone that wants to. To me this is the kind of gamming that makes UO such a great game, so I am wondering are there any people out there who would enjoy this? Or am I wasting my time just let me know one way or another.
I need a group of good and evil players. We will set up a time for this event during the weekend when we can get a good turn out.


Re: A Message Nailed on Brits' Bank Wall

given suffecient timing and advertising this may work out i would gladly attend and help

you have to be flexible and spend some time in game advertising not everyone reads the forums


Re: A Message Nailed on Brits' Bank Wall

I think this is a good idea, it will help with earning money and give people more things to do rather than banksit. Helps reds too ;)