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A Faded Legacy... Part II


A Faded Legacy... Part II

Lute Ulridge, my brother, the poor bastard. Lute is a simple man, note quite all there in the head, a little slow. None the less Lute is a great man, I would give my life for him. Lute is the largest of all of us, he stands nearly seven feet tall and weighs I don't know how much.
He never could really comprehend what was happening with the family when we told him he had to leave. My sister, as I said had married a lumberbaron out of Yew. This baron was a cruel man indeed. Sure, most of the noble families owned slaves, but none treated them as poorly as this man. It was as if he had a personal vendetta against anyone who was not of royal blood, or at least had the wealth to match it.
When my sister married him he offered all of the men in my family positions under him. In fact he even offered my to head his Skara Brae office, though I turned it down obviously. I still had too much going on within the castle, however I regretfully allowed my brother to serve him in Skara. But, the simplicity of my brother held him no respect within the confines of the lumbermill. My brother constantly wrote me of what people would say and do to him. It saddened me... How could fellow humans treat eachother with such disgrace. However, swinging an axe was all he was good at. At the time I couldn't possibly support him, so I thought it best he was cutting wood instead of many of the other things he could be doing in these troubleing times.
Lute could go through more wood in one day then the entire Skara crew could in a week. Lute was a beast among men. He had developed a fond friendship with a smith in the area, for Lute's axes had no way of keeping up with his mighty swings.
I had thought with that smith taking care of him I wouldn't have to worry as much. Times were going alright then, however that did not last very long.
It wasn't until months later that my brother wrote me about the smith dieing... When I looked into it, there was no smith. I wasn't angry about my brother lieing to me... He just didn't want me to worry. As I said, he is a man with a giant heart.
*Laskin chuckles lightly*
There was once a time he actually saved my life... After I looked into this whole 'smith' matter I took time to rest at the tavern. Well... If you know anything about the Ulridge family, you don't rest in a tavern. You are either there to eat, or to drink. Well... Except for Lute, he could never stomach what alcohol did to people, he regarded it as one would regard an enemy. At the time I didn't care, I still drank heavily. And that is what brings me to this small story...
The foremen of Lute's crew was sitting at the end of the bar. I promised myself I wouldn't say anything, I mean... I would have Lute out of the situation soon, I promised him. But with the ale brewin' in my belly, I couldn't hold my tongue any longer.
So here I am... This small page boy... With this rowdy crew of lumbermen, well all's I noticed at the time was this arse sitting at the end of the bar... Not his six crew members at the table behind him.
I can't remember exactly all I said, but it was something to the effect of comparing his mother to mongbat droppings... Whatever it was... It was enough for me to be standing one moment and then the next waking up to see Lute holding two of the lumbermen high up, one in each hand. The others had long since scattered or were sprawled out on the floor out cold.
Lute spent some time locked up for that one. Thankfully it was in Skara and I had some pull there. Sprung him rather quick. But if you understand Lute, the guards didn't even want him to leave, not because he was a menace, but because he was so friendly.
Anyways... Lute is in the Council with me now. He is treated well there. I believe it is another step to restoreing my family legacy. I wouldn't want anyone else standing next to me when the Ulridge name shines bright again.


Re: A Faded Legacy... Part II

Huzzah for freeing your brother from that tyranny. Please, continue!